
I have a colleague at work....?

by  |  earlier

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who continually falls asleep, We now have a lot of pictures of him grabbing some shut eye on camera phones.

Is it a good idea to collate the pictures in a sort of calendar for 2008 or will I get in trouble for doing it.




  1. does he know he keeps falling a sleep??? or is he getting enough sleep at night? instead of turning it into a joke he might actually need soem help medically

  2. Why not find out if he has a problem at home and can't sleep.

    How bad will you feel if he has a good reason for this and you get him the sack.

    Anyway you should be too busy to observe him get a life and let management deal with it.

  3. make sure the poor chap goe,s to the doctor my husband worked with some one who did that and he was a taxi driver dangerous or what he kept nodding of at traffic lights got medication and ok now

  4. not a good idea. You could end up being accused of harassment as stupid as it seems and your boss would have to take his side against you. Next time you catch him sleeping whilst he is being paid to work invite the boss down quietly and let him discover what is going on.

  5. The employee that falls asleep probably won't appreciate your sense of humour, and that would make you an enemy in the workplace.

       Given that this person's propensity to fall asleep could be the symptoms of an illness called narcolepsy, it could be construed as making light of a severe illness.

        All in all, i think you would stand to lose more than you'd gain by bringing the situation to light.

  6. I think the trouble he'd get in if the management saw it would massively outweigh the trouble you'd be in.

    Do it - you must secretly be a bit peeved that he is such a skiver and want to get your revenge.......too right!

  7. Why can't you do it anonymously and see what the reaction is.  If he goes ape you can act daft, if he loves it then own up.  I know that sounds awful, but it kinda covers every which way. lol

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