
I have a confession to make...

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I love to travel on planes. I love it when they bring food round, i love the feeling of being up in the air!

Do you like planes? Why?




  1. Absolutely, but you can't beat the non-stop drinks coming round in first-class.  You start on the ground on the east coast and are very happy by the time you get to the west coast in America.

  2. I Love It To Hun.

    I Just Love To Travel.

    I Like The Whole Journey Tbh...

    I Really Dont Know


  3. First Class is fun because they are constantly giving you pretty much everthing u want lol. but i absulutly hate airports and delta airlines lol.

  4. i love planes just the feeling of takeoff and landing and watching the sun rise and set when you are in the air is awesome

  5. Yes love flying with a passion and have the best job in the world a flight attendant no job get better than it! In the air 4-5 days a week!!  

  6. I like to get high...higher even...

    As high as the sky...

  7. I wish i felt like you, im terrified of flying. I dont mind heights i just hate sitting down for a long time and feeling trapped in, i get horrible anxiety =/

  8. I like traveling on planes, I like the food, I like being in airports and enjoy almost everything about flying mailnly because it usually means I'm on vacation, I don't have to work and I'm going somewhere to have a good time and see new things.

  9. I enjoy flying myself. I always try to book a window seat, and I just stare out the window the entire time. Also, just as another said, it means I am usually on vacation and I have some serious fun to look foward to in the days ahead.

    I like being able to be able to look out at clouds or the ground waaaaaay below on clear days.It is relaxing to me.  

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