
I have a huge problem.....?

by  |  earlier

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A friend of mine is pregnant.

She slept with my cousin about 6-7 weeks ago. He told me in secrecy as it was a one time drunken mistake. She doesn't know I know.

She just started dating this new guy about one month ago (their first date was about the 14th or 15 of july).

She found out she was pregnant recently and was so excited. She's telling everyone that the father is this new guy.

She slipped up and told me that she's 6 weeks pregnant, and has been seeing this guy for a month. She didn't notice that I noticed the discrepancy.

My cousin is freaking out but isn't the type to stand up to her. She told him it wasn't his and not to worry.

I don't know what to do. She is clearly planning on raising this baby with everyone thinking the new guy is the father.

My cousin will never say anything, he is 19 and knows he's too young to be a dad. But it's so wrong....

I am so upset she is lying to everyone, her boyfriend is so happy about becoming a father.

I am going to have a new baby cousin.....but nobody else will ever know that.

What do I do? Do I tell her I know? I can't let this happen, we are a very close family. I really need advice.




  1. Wow :/, well it will be tough but I would let her know you know, and that you think its lame that she is lieing about the father. If you can't do the time dont do the crime, shes gotta tell her new bf it aint his. Tell her you know, and it is very rude what she is doing to your cousin. I am sorry you are in a tough spot. Good luck!

  2. ok well here goes.... the truth hurts but its just like pulling off a bandaid BUTTT the longer u prolong it the worse it hurts, in any situation!! another ex. "breakups" they suck!! but the longer you put it off the worse it gets and the more complicated....this needs to be aired out esp. if these two just got together a month ago....i mean its not like there is yrs and marriage and other children involved that complicate this situation further. one way or another this is going to come out so its better sooner than later. if anything not for the father "s" but for the poor baby. you have to remind your cousin even tho he is young and not ready to be a dad now n just letting this go could make life a lot easier he could see this kid in 2, 5, 10 yrs and feel totally different and then its too late, or this new guy that this girl has only been with a month n barely knows may change his whole attitude and bail and who do you think this girl is going to run to... no1 wants to be alone and pregnant or with a new born......a friend of mine was raped and was dating sum1 at the time n never told ne1, she didnt think it was possible the baby wasnt her bf's because she stopped the assault quickly, however when the baby came out with a dark complexion and both her and her bf were white her bf had to live with the fact he spent 9 months thinking he was 100% the father and now hates my friend 4 not confiding in him n she is alone with a baby.... maybe if she had told him hed still be there.... either way in either case HONESTY is always the best bet... hope this helps you!! feel free to w/b.

  3. this is probably the kind of thing you have to keep to yourself, as crazy as it sounds. it'd be one big ****-storm if you told everyone the truth, but its up to you. that is a sucky situation you're in! jeez

  4. you should tell her since you are so close. you probably both love each other very much and can forgive each other with anything. go for it

  5. If you guys are close, I think you should tell her that you know the truth. With her now knowing that someone else knows the truth other than her and the real baby father maybe you two can come up with a better solution.  

  6. to me it sounds like she's been jumping in and out of bed with with whoever will have her .... it's a cousin (maybe) not like it's a niece or nephew ... let it slide and get on with your own life ... life is too short to be worrying about everyone elses business

  7. You should probably tell her that you noticed the timing was off. Could she have been with anyone else while she was with your cousin? The right thing to do would be for her to get a dna test. The child has a right to know it's father and it wouldn't be fair to keep that from him/her. If it were me I would try to get her to make the right decision.

  8. these kind of relation is wrong and have these result so u don't have to do any's your cousin that must tell her not u

  9. As everyone will say,talk to her about it. She will probably be mad and not listen. It really is her choice and the other guy seems to want a child,so maybe it's 4 the best.The child has a chance at a loving family.I probably can guess that your friend is really young,and caught up in the moment,let her know that being a parent is not just a full time job it's an around the clock responsibility.But it is an incredible gift and I wish her all the best!

  10. Talk to your cousin, he needs to confront her and ask for a paternity test.  I know he is young, but if it ends up being his baby by your time line, can he deal with some other guy raising a part of him? His child?  Plus by not finding out he is depriving his family of being aunts/uncles/grandmas etc.  He needs to step up and demand a paternity test.  Get it all figured out NOW, so 2 years down the  line he is not wondering about it and up rooting everyone's life to find out. Tell him you will stand by him every step of the way, be there for him. This is family we are talking about here.  Find out before the baby is born.  Best of luck to you,  

  11. this really is a MAJOR toughy. if the new guy knows then talk to him about it but if not tlk to your cousin and get either the new guy or your cousin to have a talk to the girl but be sure not to get to deeply involved or blow the whole thing out of the water this is really important be suttle good luck

  12. Are you sure she has figured it out herself at all? maybes shes just so excited she hasnt even thought about it!

    Tell her you know (or at least question her to make sure your right, dont just accuse her) but you wont tell anyone else because you know its not your place! make sure she knows what she's doing! this is forever not just till she gets over being a mother!!

  13. I think you should tell her you know and tell her to cut the c**p, be a responsible adult and go tell your cousin or you will.  What she is doing is wrong in so many ways.

    When the baby arrives your cousin should insist on a paternity test before committing his life to this child.

    I pity your cousin.

    A good example of a fine reason to keep your pants zipped.  Male or female.

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