
I have a question about abuse?!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm sixteen years old sometimes I feel suffocated at dad works from home and my mom works outside... is it normal for someone's dad to always be going into his daughters room?? Rearranging things, criticitizing her because she didnt make the bed neatly... or fold her clothes neatly in her dores or hang her clothes neatly in her closet. In the morning I always make my bed put away my clothes in my closet and dores, my dad will come into my room..later start re-making my bed re-folding my clothes then complaining about how I do things in my room degrading me. If I even want to lie down under the covers of my bed, he'll get really mad and call me an animal...

is this normal?? He can be very violent too, his behaviour always making physical threats... he used to physically abuse me when i was younger..




  1. He could have OCD (obssessive compulsive dissorder) which means he likes things a certain way and gets annoyed if things aren't that way. I suggest talking to ur mom about this becuz if she loves u she wouldnt allow him to hurt you. Have u told him that you like things a certain way? if things get too violent call child protective custody or 911 and they'll call them. Always tell friends u know u can trust or they'll tell for you and it might not end up in the soulution you'd prefer.  :-) BE SAFE!

  2. It seems like he has OCD and anger issues. My dad was VERY violen growing up. I tried telling my mom but she didnt believe me until the day he hit her and the she finally realized. Have you tried talking to your mom...she might understand and do something about it. If not, try to talk to your dad himself. If it seems like he is getting too upset just end the conversation though because he may end up getting violent with you.

  3. Not really, but you want to talk to your mother, about this, and if you really think he is, make sure that you clear your search history!!!! And if worst comes to worst, get government help

  4. well idk if it's abuse or not, but if it scares you and makes you feel bad, talk to your mom, and if she doesn't get it, go to a nice aunt or a friend of the family that you can trust and ask for help with your parents...

  5. i know people who's parents are critical about how they keep their rooms and such

    but it sounds like this is a little over the edge. you should tell somebody and talk to them about it.

    seek help to resolve this.

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