
I have a question about relatives?

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ok this is a little complicated, my daughters have a friend named Saylor, her mom Audra has a boyfriend named Jeff, we were just talking and it turns out Jeff and I are related, my dad has a sister named Joyce who has a son named Dave, Dave is married to Debbie who Jeff's mom's sister, would that make Jeff and I cousins?




  1. Yes indeed! How cool is that! Wow what a small world afterall!!

    Hope i helped! Rock steady :)

  2. No relation at all.

  3. No.  To simplify this, Dave who is your first cousin, is married to Debbie, who is Jeff's aunt.  Jeff is on Debbie's side of the family.  Debbie is NOT related to you in any way.  When your first cousin marries, you do NOT gain the spouse or her extended family as relatives.  She is just your first cousin's wife.  That is ALL the relationship she has to you, and her extended family has NO relationship to you.  Genealogical relationships are those that are BLOOD related and are fixed at birth.  If Debbie was not your relative before she married Dave, then she and her family are not your relative now.

    The ONLY exceptions to relatives by marriage are mother/father/brother/sister in-laws and step mother/father/brother/sister.  And, once these marriages end, so do the step or in-law relationship.  Even in these cases, you do NOT inherit your step or in-law's extended family as your relatives.  Your step brother's cousin does not become your cousin.

  4. Im lost and confused!

  5. Joyce is your aunt.  

    Her son, Dave, is your first cousin (your dad's nephew).  

    Dave is married to Debbie (your cousin-in-law, and no blood relation to you).  

    Debbie is Jeff's aunt, and Dave (your cousin) is his uncle-in-law.  

    So, there's really no relation.

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