
I have a question for u!!?

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i want to be home-skooled! yes i know there are like only 18 days or less days of school but i dont want to go to school anymore. i am in 8th grade, and i want to be home schooled till the end of the year and till my high school year. in order to become home-school, what do i have to do? I talked to my parents already so now do i have to talk to my school? and how does home schooling work? thanks!




  1. Congratulations on your choice!  I hope you enjoy your homeschooling lifestyle.

    As far as how to legally go about homeschooling, that depends on where you live.  There are different laws everywhere.  

    I highly recommend that you and your parents read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  I'll add a link below, but you may well be able to find it at the library.

    Best of luck to you :D

  2. Okay, well there are a few different things you can do to become a homeschooler. What I suggest is using an online program/bookwork by Alpha and Omega.

    You can look for homeschool supplies here, to get a good understanding of things.

    Hope I've helped a bit!

  3. I am homeschooled and live in Alabama too. Here, in order to homeschool, you have to sign up with a church school but this is just for paperwork like a transcript and diploma. You don't have to follow any set curriculum. You also don't have to take any standardized tests. Just have the church school send in an attendence form every year. There are many of these church schools, you don't have to belong to their church and the prices vary from being free to $40.00 or $50.00 a month. You can choose the one you like from the different programs they offer. Some have classes and meetings and some just supply the transcript based on what you courses you report to them. Daylight Academy has a yearly charge (approx. $70.00) and doesn't require any specific subjects, attendance forms or meetings. They are non denominational  and will accept students from anywhere in Alabama. You do not need permission from your public school in order to homeschool. Homeschooling is a right afforded to everyone in the United States. It is the best way to learn, away from peer pressure, the stress of unnecessary standardized tests, and time wasters like assemblies.

  4. go to the internet and you will find an abundance of information. you can pick the one you would like and contact them on the net and they will have the price there for you to look at. some are a few hundred dollars and they go up from there. for instance there is one called a beka, it is alittle over one thousand dollars, and you can receive all of your books for that year, and they have dvds that you watch and also do book work too then theyre some for a few hundred they send you work books--no dvds==and you just work from them. dont waist your time,finish this year and use the summer to find out all the facts that you need to know. i have a six year old and she is in her third year of school--she goes to a very small church school and she loves it. its pre k to 12th grade and only about 78 students. but finish out the school year where you are at. there are alot of curriculums out there

  5. phone ur local education department and they will help u with any questions you might have.

    hope this helped good luck

  6. find a school in your area that has a home schooling program there is a charge for the program. the school you go through will send the curriculum out every week or so. you have to turn in so many books a week the work has to be graded by the parent and signed, then mail the curriculum back weekly. but if you find a program they will give you all the info you need. there is a program where I'm from in Mississippi its old dominion christian school. maybe they can give you some info the number is 662-289-5703.hope this helps.

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