
I have a question on salvia?

by  |  earlier

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can you get high off that product? its really cheap, thats why im wondering




  1. ya you can. Its always best to start with the leaf as that's the lowest concentration (as compared to the 10x etc. extracts). Ebay should be fine. as long as you check the sellers history for others peoples reviews and see what their comments say the product. thanks

    also lists the best places to buy salvia, and does a price compare for all the different companies.

  2. Didn't you Just ask this question 10 minutes ago? (looks at history) ... wow, you ask a LOT of questions about Algebra and such.

    You should not buy drugs. They will ruin your brain and you will have no focus. Just look at me. You should not buy drugs, they will ruin your brain and you will have no focus.

    Anyway; if you buy salvia, don't get it from Ebay. You can buy it from the gas station, and you won't need to pay $10 for shipping.

    EDIT: Free shipping!? Well, looks like I'm eating my words. Anyways, you can get it cheaper than $3.00 at your local stores. And, it will probably get you high, if it's really salvia. (Keep in mind, Ebay is full of crooks.)

  3. Salvia is considered an "Incent" thats why it'ss Legal.

    What it does is you smoke it out of a bubbler or a bong, and just take one hit..

    for the next 5 minutes you will hallucinate and feel all trippy and such!

    ive done it a few times, and from experience, its enjoyable. but you do lose most mobility for like an hour, and its possible you will get a headache and feel sick, but those 5 minutes are wayyy crazy! =)

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