
I have a rather bad problem?

by Guest60382  |  earlier

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this morning i woke up and frogs were escaping a wound on my shoulder i received yesterday makeing a door. im a little scared and i cant go to a doctor,,,its just to embarresing. what should i do 3 frogs have come out so far.




  1. are you sure you weren't dreaming?

  2. ok, examine the door and see if there were any frog eggs, or tadpoles or frogs or anything that could have gotten into the wound.  Also, don't be embarrassed, cause that's what doctors do, help people with physical problems, and how the heck could you get a flippin frog in your shoulder?  just asking.

  3. Ummm...I don't think frogs are you're problem.

  4. how about you get a natural frog predator and have it pick your shoulder?

    dude..really YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR....there's no other way.

  5. lmao

    sorry cant touch that one!!!!!lol

  6. umm i think u were dreaming  

  7. LOL...frogs.  Don't let them escape!!  They are crucial to your life force!

  8.      You were having a bad dream.  A wound that is only one day old won't have frogs escaping out.

  9. if it hurts wait until a shark comes out it hurts a lot more!!!

  10. um that's just a little scary go see a doctor either that or your just crazy and thought there were frogs!

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