
I have a sleeping problem help?

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i have a sleeping problem, iv had it for about a year and a half, i am 15... i stay awake thinking, i cant seem to stop thinking... i usually just lay in the bed untill around 4 in the morning when i finnaly go to sleep (if i even sleep) but i have to wake up at around 7 every morning for school. i toss and turn all night. iv tried listening to music, reading to help put me to sleep. i am taking medication for acid reflux but it dosnt have any side effects that make me not sleep... help?




  1. You need to see your doctor and get help. Also, try meditation, yoga, or something similar. Drink chamomile tea or Sleepy Time tea (or something similar) at night. And good luck with it. I had the same probem and the doc put me on sleeping pills, but I would NOT advise that!!! After a while, I was taking the pill and only getting maybe 4 hours of sleep. I finally weened myself off and I sleep much better now. When I can't sleep, I put on my iPod and listen to my hynotizing programs. By the time it's over I'm asleep.

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