
I have a swallen throat...?

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I've had a swallen throat for the past..2 days now. and it hurts really bad when i swallow n such. Im taking medications, and its not working. so if possible do u guys know any thing that i can eat/drink to get rid of this horrible pain in my throat? please and advanced thank yous




  1. you need to see a doc you will need antibitoics in order to get well from strep you do not want to allow it to progress into something worse.

  2. I am a CAM

    Are you on antibiotics??? It sounds like you have Strep

    Go have a strep swab and get on antibiotics

    My daughter had a strep test that the doctor said came back negative (was actually positive )she went a month with strep in her body and it attacked her kidneys and now she has kidney disease she was diagnosed at 7 she is now 17 and by the time she is in her 30's she may need dialysis

  3. I think it would be best to go back to your doctor and tell him/her that the medication isn't working.  

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