I adopted him after taking him on as a foster parent (as well as his two younger brothers). He is currently 15-years-old and had been molested by his father prior to the birth of his youngest brother, whom is just under two years old.
I am concerned about my 15-year-old because he has engaged in risky activity before while I have had him, including dissapearing from his bed in the middle of the night and I have found cut marks on his wrists. I have had trouble from him with online chatrooms and older people having sexual based conversations with him.
Recently it came to my knowledge that he has been prostituting himself and doing drugs. He was taken to the police station to talk to an officer.
I need to know what would be most effective, bootcamp, military school or anything like that. He IS seeing a phychiatrist and has only just turned 15, so he is quite young.
What should I do about him. If you have and information links that would be great or email me at Sarahblache@yahoo.com