
I have fish questions???

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1. i have a 10 gallon with 2 guppies (breeding pair), 1 ivory mystery snail, and a cory cat. i want some type of Cyprinid as a center piece type fish. must be 2.5 inches or less. any suggestions?

2. do dwarf rasboras

go by different names because i can't find them anywhere

3. i want another fish really badly but the only store aound here is a walmart. i don't want to have to pay like $30 on shipping either. is there any precautions i should take be getting a fish from walmart? or should i just not get one?




  1. 2 guppies is really boring, and i don't like live bearers cuz mine died within a week, If you want another fish so badly i would suggest you to get a cichlid. When i added a flowerhorn into my tank, it swallowed 2 of my guppies within 4 seconds.

  2. Hi, For #3 fish from walmart are fine i get loads from there and if they do die just bring back the fish and they will give you a refund.-Fishqueen101

  3. If you're breeding the guppies and want to keep the babies, then the only other fish you'd want with them is another female guppy.  However, you could get a female molly, the black variety would probably look best.  Guppies and mollies can interbreed, so you can't be sure what you'll come up with.

  4. Those fish you're wanting will eat your baby guppies.  You'll definitely want to add more grasses and hiding places for your babies first.  

    Neons are a good choice, as are any of the other livebearers.  Tetras are my favorites, but they tend to be more aggressive.  I've never seen the dwarf rasboras anywhere but a breeders farm in Texas.

    Walmart is not usually a good choice for buying fish, but...  If you watch all of the fish closely before you buy them, and there's no signs of illness and dead ones in the tank, then you may get lucky.  Signs of illness include sitting at the bottom, spots or patches, sitting at the very top and gasping, swimming in circles and other irratic behavior.  I would keep the new guys separate from the guppies at first until I knew for sure they'd survive.  Oh, and get another tank because every hobbyist I've ever known can't stop at just one!  Good luck to you!

  5. There are VERY few walmarts that are in any way Okay to buy fish from...

    But if you really want to, do this first:

    Go to walmart and look in the tanks, are there any dead fish anywhere? No? Maybe someone did a sweep before you got there and removed them.

    Go walk around or go get lunch and come back in an hour-ish, now are there any dead ones? No?

    Are the fish healthy looking? They should have clear eyes and scales and most species should be swimming around(obviously some wont be like suckers)

    I would do this a few days in a row at different times, one day morning, then afternoon, then evening, etc...

    Ask the associate in the pet section questions, even questions you know the answer to- your testing them, not trying to learn anything besides if they know the answers to your questions.

    Healthy fish? Not an alarming number of dead ones?(maybe a few) Knowledgeable staff? If your comfortable, go for it.

    It's nothing I haven't done to a new dealer I'm thinking about getting fish from.

  6. well if you get one from walmart,make sure it is swimming around like your normal healthy fish,and make sure they dont have ick or anything,and make sure there is no dead fish in the same aquarium. And I personally love bettas,guppies,mollies,and balloon mollies.

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