
I have found new info?

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there is a process called "prorating" it is determing how long your sopposed to live and breaks down the money, ex...if i live 40 more years the SSI will take approx. 158.00 a month until the $100,000 is paid back, only if i can get the insurance co to protate a wavier over my life expectency. insurance co don't wan't to sign b/c they say SSI eill get their money from someone and they need to protect their clint, which is the person i've sued.




  1. Please re-post this question after you have it re-worded.

    It is quite difficult to comprehend what you are stating.

    Kindly ask a student at a nearby school to write out what you mean.  I have read and re-read your paragraph to no avail.

    Please help one of us answer your question.  OK?

  2. There isn't any question here.  I can tell you, however, that your statement is all over the place, and impossible to figure out.

    Pro-rating isn't the work you are looking for.  Pro-rating is breaking out insurance PREMIUM over a certain time period - example - if you cancel your car insurance half way through the year, you PRO RATE the premium to figure out how much credit you are due back, IF you've paid the premium in full.

    Waiver means, they agree to forget about it.  You can't "pro rate" a waiver.  

    SSI doesn't "borrow" money from insurance companies, but they can ATTACH a payment.  If you have a judgement against someone, in most states, that life insurance policy is EXEMPT from attachment while they are living - it's not an attachable asset.

  3. Under your condition,I propose visit here to get some ideas.
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