
I have gained so much weight...?

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Since I have started college last year, I have gained a significant amount of weight. I feel so awful and my back and body hurts so much. Does anyone know any tips to help me lose weight? All I ever do is think about food and I stay so stressed!!!




  1. Please have your thyroid checked.  I went through the same thing, and now I am on meds to help.  I haven't lost the weight, but I feel much more energy.

  2. Ok, your thyroid is probably fine, and do not take any sort of pill. I went through this in college too. I decided to make some changes my sophomore year and have successfully kept about 40 pounds off for going on 8 years now. My bits of wisdom:

    1. exercise every day without fail. Make it as important to you as brushing your teeth. Make no excuses. You will immediately feel better about yourself.

    2. Limit the types of food you eat, but not how much. Make your diet consist of mostly fruits and vegetables, with a few nuts, beans, and a little lean protein. These are not calorie dense foods, so you can feel satisfied without feeling guilty. Cut out processed food, sugar, fried food, fast food, SODA, etc...

    3. Look at it in a positive light. If you say to yourself "I can't have this and that" all you will think about is eating those things. Instead tell yourself and others "I can eat whatever I want, but I choose to eat healthy foods."

    4. Write down a list of goals every day. On that list include "I eat a clean diet" and "I am thin and beautiful". Eventually, these will become self-fulfilling prophecies. Believe me, it works.

    Good luck. I totally feel your pain, but you can do this!

  3. i know what you mean! i am an incoming sophomore. during my first year in college, i gain approzimately 10-15 lbs. i went in 105 and came out 120. i look back on all the lunchtrucks and campus parties/food and had to get bak into shape once i couldnt fit my jeans anymore. i joined ballys with my bf for motivation and try to eat unlimited veggies and fruits constantly. i also take small bites and learn to never eat until my tummy is busting. i stop when i;m not hungry anymore. whenever i order on campus, i eat half and save the rest for later. i also learn that just because the food is free, i dont have to eat it! i hope this helps.  its been 3 months since i joined and its been tough but i can finally fit into my size 3 jeans again. now im workin on that size 2 i have in my closet. it fits wit a little struggle but im workin my  slowly =]

  4. Yep, try this:  You will be able to eat a lot, yet still lose a lot of weight.

  5. sorry but u have to join a gym to get some results.. u will be motivated if u pay to go to a gym... or atleast if u cannot go, then go jogging everyother day

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