
I have had 2 job offers...?

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one is working for sainsbury's as an online delivery driver, the other is working for a local landscape gardening company.

im unsure as to which one to take.

any help on what i should do, and have any of you out there worked for sainbury's or a gardening firm before, which would you say is th best?




  1. id imagine the gardening would pay better but it depends what work you enjoy.  some people love driving while others love being outside.

  2. Supermarkets, in general do not pay very good wages. I would imagine that the work is pretty much the same day in and day out, with little or no variety.If you get bored easily, you should bear this in mind. The gardening job will have some variety for sure, are you interested in plants etc? In my experience it is better to work for a small company than a multi-national, if only for the sake that they will actually know who you are! Generally working for a small company will deliver a better quality of working life, than  working for an impersonal large company.

  3. The only person who can decide is you. You might ask yourself some questions -- which one has the best benefits? Does one job pay more than the other? Is there one job you would enjoy more than the other? What are the pro's and con's of both positions that can help you make your decision? Maybe you need to write it down and from there make a decision.

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