
I have horrible periods?

by  |  earlier

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i get bad cramps to the point where i can't stand up or do much, leak onto my bed when sleeping, nausea, and pain in my back and through my legs. I'm a teenager and I work out a lot and am not sexually active whatsoever but should i go to the ob/gyn to see if they can help me? what would they do? thanks




  1. The OB/GYN will probably prescribe you birth control to help regulate you. They may also want to do a pap smear and pelvic exam, so just be aware of that. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world, but it's not that bad. There is no reason you should have to deal with this. I had similar experiences with my periods. I've since gone on the BCP. I just started the pill, so I'm not sure exactly how it will effect my periods. I will, however, give you a heads up in that since I've been on the pill, I've had breakthrough bleeding every morning for 4-5 hours after I take the pill (take it at 6am, bleed from 8-2). The longer I've been on the BCP the less the side effects have been. It will take 2-3 cycles (months) for your body to adjust to the pill. Good Luck.

  2. Yes, you should see your doc. she will be able to help you.

    Click on the link below you will find more detailed info regarding what a doc can do for you:

    Help with Cramps -- By Jennifer Johnson, MD

  3. Ask your doctor about birth control, they can regulate and shorten your periods! some birth controls can make you get a period once every three months.

    some can make you have a period that lasts two days.

    and you will be able to know when your gonna get it.

    ask an adult ( a mother?) about midol.

    Midol helps cramping, bloating, fatigue, and headaches.

    The og/gyn would probably suggest birth control. and they would give you some papers about it, and help you pick the best one for you.

    the working out should be helping to ease your pain, is it?

    try some ibroprfen, it takes 30 minutes to work, but it does help.

    but ask an adult if its ok for you to take.

    get a stronger absorbancy of a PAD when you sleep.

    please dont leave a tampon in over night. it can (very rarely)

    casue TSS (toxic shock syndrom). its from a chemical in the tampon when left in to long , it emits into your body and you can die from it.

    but it is curable. but painful, embaracing, fevers,dehydration, blacking out, diharrea, and some other stuff. so please dont.

  4. Yes go see the ob/gyn.

    It's not abnormal to have horrible periods, but if it's getting you down you may as well see if it can be sorted.

    They may offer to put you on hormonal contraception as this can make period pains lessen, and flow lighter. Hormones come in pills, patches, injections and an implant; depending how long you want the effect for. A ob/gyn can give you lots of information about these, and figure out which would be best for you, if you wanted to try it.

  5. I had a similar problem. I found out that birth control helps to make your period less severe, shorter days and I no longer "leak." It has worked for many people i know. But you should go to the Doctor, but that is the typical recommendation at Doctor's offices!

    ~Nurse in Indiana :)

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