
I have problems with my instincts..?

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My friends told me that i dont follow my instinct and that's why I made alot mistakes in my life.. so how u tell if it is instinct or not? one guy said instinct is from first thought come up in ur mind then second thought is thinking..

or how u tell? please help me!




  1. Instinct: a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity. Instinct is good in emergencies, when you don't have time to think. You have an instinctive urge to put out your hands to save yourself in a fall, or from a punch.  This is generally done without thinking, and is good. There is an instinctive urge to smack people who are making you mad. This is what little kids do and is bad. Don't do it. You know you have to force yourself hold your breath? That's because instinct says 'Breathe'. If you are diving into water you have to ignore that instinct. Instinct can be good or bad. You have to think as well. If you are getting a bad feeling about a situation, try to think why? Maybe everything is as it seems, maybe some previous experience is warning you. Even if everything seems good, give it a little think, just to cover all bases. Maybe you want the green meat to be ok because you are hungry and instinct says 'Eat!', but another part of instinct is saying 'Green meat is bad'. Gotta think.

  2. instinct is in your body/blood,reason is in your head use both togther and you cant go wrong/.

  3. instinct iz like ure first reaction 2 wen u fall....first thing u do iz probaly 2 put ure handz infront of u so u dont fall..dat iz instinct.....i think..

  4. Sometime following your instincts can be wrong..

  5. NO!

    the reason we became the dominant species is because we learned to think with our head,not follow our instincts.

  6. Spend as much time swimming underwater as you can...

    You'll be fine!

  7. Your instinct is that inner voice speaking to you from within.  You will know when it speaks.  Hard to explain.  Haven't you ever been in a situation where something didn't feel right?  That's your instinct.  It's telling you not to do something.  Follow it.  It will be your guide.  I think another word for instinct is conscience.

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