
I have some questions?

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Does everyone get wisdom teeth at some point? Is there a chance they never grow in? & when do people usually notice them coming in?

Also, the removal of them seems to be quite painful, but why do they hurt more than getting any other teeth pulled? I don't understand.




  1. Well, I have only 3 wisdom teeth.  The fourth never formed, and neither did a few of my molars so...what's a girl to do?  

    Believe me, you will know if you are cutting your wisdom teeth because it will be painful.  I think it probably hurts more to get them out because (like someone already said) they have deep roots and usually you get 2 or more pulled at once.  I, on the other hand, only have to get one pulled because the other 2 are being moved forward with braces.  

  2. Some people's wisdom teeth grow in fine with no pain.  Other people's jaws are too small for the extra teeth to have room to grow in.  In that case, a dentist will have to remove the teeth.  You're supposed to have four wisdom teeth, but some people only have one or two, and I've heard some people have five.

    My wisdom teeth started trying to come in at age 16, with quite a bit of pain.  Turns out they were impacted (stuck and unable to come through at all) and they had to be cut out by the dentist.  

    The removal is worse than having other teeth removed for a number of reason.  First, people usually only get one tooth pulled at a time, but this is four at once.  Second, wisdom teeth are large and tend to have strong, long roots.  Usually they haven't broken the surface of the gums, and can't just be pulled.  Instead the gums have to be cut, the teeth broken into smaller pieces, and then removed.

    The recovery can be pretty bad, but the worst part is over within about five days.  Expect pain and swelling, and you probably won't be able to eat anything solid.  But once the worst part is over (I felt WAAY better as soon as I got my stitches out, a week later) you'll be glad you went through with it, because those teeth won't be giving you any more problems.

  3. not everyone gets wisdom teeth, some people get none, some people get 1, 2, 3, or all 4. and some people gotta get them pulled and some dont.! its not painful my boyfriend was on pain meds!

  4. They have very deep roots.

  5. 1. Not necessarily, but most people get them.

    2. Yes, there is a very slight chance that they won't come in.

    3. It all depends on the person. Some get them at 12, others 30.

    4. The teeth are quite large, and the roots are very deep. Also, sometimes they are not even fully grown in yet, so they have to cut the gum line open in order to get the wisdom tooth out. This then requires stitches, and no solid foods can be eaten for about a week until they heal.
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