
I have teenage depression help please?

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ok well i thin i have teenage deprsson i had the same symtoms as it said o webmd i have actualy thought of suicide i just dont no how to tell my parents im so scared some one plz help me wat should i tell them




  1. If you can't tell your parents, tell a school counsellor, someone at church or just get yourself to a medical centre.

    Yahoo questions can not help you with this-only a professional can.

  2. Its okay to have teenage problems everybody does. Its the matter of going throught with somebody. Maybe tell your parents or friends wwhats going on gets some comfort from them..Tell them whats your mind and tell them exactly how youre feeling... I need you to cheer up and be happy. I hope this helps...Take Care And best of luck with everything. =) Keep Your head up.!

  3. Hi, I'm sorry, I have the same thing and I don't know what to do either.  You should talk to your friends or something or maybe your siblings if you have any, I told my sister and she helped me out alot.

  4. tell them you havent felt well and you want to go see your doctor and tell your doctor and your doc can tell you parents for you if you would like him/her too. I wrote a letter to my parents and left it on their nightstand that iwas feeling depressed and that i think i needed to go talk to someone. But for me writing is easier for me to express my feelings then talking face to face.

  5. Ok...well, that is good that you are thin. LOL

    Well, you should find out why you are depressed.

    Don't kill yourself! Life is precious and no one has the right to take away a life, except God.

    Don't tell your parents about your thoughts on suicide. You are going to scare them, and then they will probably send you to a therapist.

    Live life to the fullest and please don't kill yourself. Your life is sacred.

    I hope I helped!

    Take Care!


    Mrs.Damian McGinty

  6. well firstly so do i and i hav tryed to kill ma self 4 times

    ok well go to the doctors (with out ur 'rents) and get them to look at you n they will tell you and mb give ya sum thing 4 it and there is normaly a youth group 4 teens with depression so yer they really help and mb tell a trusted friend or adult!

  7. just tell them everything. absolutely everything. if you don't want to tell your parents, tell a friend who you can trust, but just make sure you tell at least someone.

  8. No!!! Tell it to your parents!!! Do you want to die??? Tell your parents the TRUTH. Your parents would understand because they love you. Don't be scared coz they won't harm you..... Everything would turn out alright.... You'll see.....  

  9. Go to a third world country and see the poor people living there and you will see a good reason to be depressed.

  10. you need to be honest with your parents . suicide is serious issue . it isnt a joke and depression can become very dangerous if not treated . if parents dont listen then call 911 when you fell that way . do not hurt yourself . always remember killing yourself is permanent solution to temporary problem  

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