
I have this passion for art.

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is it possible for me to be a good artist, and not have taken any art classes? Everyone says that I probably don't know how to draw, but when people actually see them they say they're pretty good. I have a history of family with creative skills. But will I miss some basics that I need to know?




  1. If you like art, you'll probably like art classes. They can give you a new perspective on your own work, and give you a greater capacity to meet other people who love art. You'll be surprised how much faster you can learn with a teacher, and you can also learn a lot of different techniques from other students. You can be a great artist with out ever taking a class, but you can become a better artist by taking classes. Besides, they're so much fun!

  2. Why not try evening classes or joining an art club? There you'll get all the basic skills and make new friends.

  3. Not really. People will teach you what you need to know

  4. i love drawing even though my works might not be too great, you could join art clubs and such to get started, and free draw a lot too

  5. Like me i really want to take up some art classes in college, but i have little time for them. So i have an aunt who teaches me on the side who has 2 art degrees. In a some way it depends what you want to go into in art. But its always and i mean always best to get educated!

    You really do miss all the basics that you need to know. I dont know if you just like drawing or painting or sculpure or what though. Drawing is really not as complex as the others but even at that you need knowlege.

  6. You either have onee of three things

    1.Natural talent

    2.Talent you need to train [ie.artclasses]

    3.No talent whatsoever...

    Keep practising and/or go to some classes and soon you'll be doing very well..

  7. Yes you can be a good artist without formal training but yes you will miss more than just the basics if you don't at least explore some of the great classes out there. Often times your creativity will lead you to something you don't know how to do and that may be a good time to take a class. My favorite class was one that touched on several styles and materials. It exposed me to things I had not considered and although I didn't pursue any of the new mediums further I have used several techniques I learned from that class. In most communities you will find a class that is a group of artists that come together to paint, for instance, with an instructor that is there when you need her/him for guidance. These classes are good for inspiration because you can 'feed' from the other artists. If there isn't one in your area you might start a group on your own by posting on Craig's List-I would suggest you just stick to the medium you are interested in and it will probably take a few postings before you get a nice size group. In a group you can get feedback on your work, get info on shows you may be able to display your work in and tips on fine tuning your craft.  

  8. Yea! Just believe in yourself and one day you will be a great artist...!!!

  9. no art has no set rules you have to follow, so classes are not necessary. just draw what you like, and with practice you'll get better. I see art classes more like a place where you can focus and practice art, not a place where you learn art. basic skills will come to you if you draw a lot anyway. the only 'art class' i've ever had was at school

  10. I've been drawing for a few years now, and I have never taken a course in artwork. People I have shown my artwork to are very impressed; I am considering making a DeviantArt profile and/or website of my own.

    So, I believe it's very possible for someone to learn how to draw by themselves if they practice. Sure, taking courses in art can't hurt anything. However, there are plenty of "how to draw" videos you can watch for free over the internet. I'd highly suggest watching speed painting videos from Nico De Mattia on YouTube. I hope this helps!

  11. yes of course you can be a good artist without taking any art classes but you can also make yourself even better by taking some art classes to improve your skills

  12. Never is it possible to take art classes if you have no experience.  Take a few days to practice drawing, maybe either one of your parents / guardians can help you show the basic skills.  Then you can go take a class at (Art) school that involves art introduction / fundamentals, but not soon.  You must keep trying.

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