
I have to get a needle?

by  |  earlier

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I have to get a needle on monday morning :(

I am really scared of do i get over my fear? :(:(:(




  1. anaesthetic lol

  2. Just look somewhere else when the needle is going through you. Think of anything else. I know it is hard but is is worse if you don't try it. I don't like needles either but i usually try to look everywhere else and think of anything. And in less than i think the needle is already out.  

  3. When you get the shot, 1) look the other way, 2) do deep breathing exercises, 3) point your toes.  

    The combination of those things should make the shot virtually painless because you mind will be distracted.  A doctor told me that when I was 6 (I was sickly and got a lot of shots) and it always worked.  Good luck.

  4. alot of people are scared of needles.

    i dont mind them at all.

    i mean, they dont hurt that bad.

    if you are sick or have an illness the needle will treat, be happy you are getting treated.

    be happy the invented needles so people dont have to suffer sickness.

    hope you feel better!

  5. Just remember:  It will be over in 3 seconds!  You can surely afford 3 seconds of your life, right?  It's all for your good, think Friendly Needle!

  6. Just don't think about it when taking it.

  7. You won't but just know that it isn't going to kill you, it doesn't really hurt

  8. definitely dont look at it. think about something fun youll do afterwards.

  9. belive me , there dont hurt , its like a little prik, just nip yrself thats all it is. lol

  10. don't look when they are preparing the needle and then look outside the window or something.  

  11. look away.. dont even look it that direction..

  12. Train yourself, see that needle everyday without thinking that you are scared with it until you overcome your fear. Tell yourself "Its just a needle, it wont kill me" Have discipline on yourself that it is necessary.

  13. Make plans for something fun to do after you have your appointment.  Something like shopping, out for dinner, or going to a movie.  Think about after the shot: you'll be ok and it will all be done with.  Imagine the much worse experiences that people have to have, and yours will seem like something small.  Just take a deep breath, and focus on a different body part than where the needle is going into.  Good luck!

  14. Dont watch it go in and or even look at em. Just stat relaxed and think of another topic

  15. Just don't think about it, pretend that your friend is just giving you a pinch cause you didn't wear green on St. patty's day

    Remember, relax on where the needle is going (tensing up will make it hurt more) and don't look at it, find your happy spot!

  16. a shot???

    well i used to be scared to death but once the needle goes in you cant even feel it and you feel silly after wards for being scared ..that's what always happens to me .

  17. You don't, you stare at something in the room, focus on it completely, and tell the person who is giving it to you to not tell you when they are doing it, to surprise you.

  18. That's a hard fear to get over. Tell the nurse or doctor you are scared of needles, so they are aware. I used to have a needle phobia too, but I've found that if I just close my eyes and pretend someone is pinching me, the phobia subsides and I get through it with no problems. It's a mental thing. Shots rarely hurt on the initial poke. It's after the medicine gets inside you when the soreness starts.

  19. OMG its so painfull & bloody. lol   j/k

  20. I can understand how scared you are everyone is scared of something.

    Just take deep breathes do not look at the needle and try to relax. You can ask your doctor if he has this tropical cream that numbs your skin prior to an injection.

    Think of something you want such as a shirt for school or work than think about getting this iteam you want when your getting your shot.

    it will be over before you know it.  

  21. close your eyes and just go for it

  22. I just got a needle last week, I have the same fear. What I do is try to put it out of my mind until the morning of the needle, and then it's ok to be scared. It is NEVER as bad as we build it up in our minds. I was crying before, my doctor started laughing and asked when the last time he hurt me, which he never did, it pinched for 2 seconds and then it was over. If you don't think about it til Monday you will be ok...

  23. Don't look and breath deeply!

  24. Just don't look, and squeeze something.  Always seems to help me.  I got blood taken out and i was terrified, but it didn't hurt until after.  That's different though because i got blood drawn. Don't think about it.

  25. that cant be good....

  26. ask for a numbing cream, then hopefully you won't feel a thing

  27. I dunno about you but I'm quite the opposite of most people telling you to look away. For me it's better if I look so that I know exactly when it will hurt. That mental preparation is such a strong impulse that Civil War soldiers used it successfully when they had to get bullets removed without any anesthesia!!

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