
I have to go to schoool!?

by  |  earlier

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It's my first day today, I'm leaving in like 20 minutes. I don't want to go to school! I'm going into my first year of 6th form too so it's all completely new. Not to mention that it's a new school. I moved from London to up here, and it sucks. I don't know anybody, I'll get lost and the work's going to be too hard. How can make this a good first day?





  1. Its ok, don't worry, you will meet tons of new friends im sure of it. i am going into my first year of grade 7 this year. i am really scared, but i no that i will make friends.

    Hope i helped

  2. Be positive.  Think of the adventure which lies before you.

    Good luck and enjoy

  3. Awww, sweetie. I didn't see this in time to answer early but I hope now that you conquered the first day that it wasn't as rough as you thought it would be.  In the meantime, here are some ((((((((hugs)))))))) for you. You'll do great this year, I'm sure of it. <3

  4. Just be friendly to everyone,

    Smile a lot. (But not too much)

    If you get lost, just ask someone who looks nice, and they will probably help you

    and don't go in looking horrified an scared.

    Tough it out and smile.

  5. Haley says she's 15 & going into 7th grade?!!

  6. Be happy and learn new things and meet new ppl and it will be all right

  7. talk to every1, tell them bout ur achievements in sports, athletics.....tis age is atleast around 11 or 12 happy u didnt join a new sch at 13y.o or above like me.....the first day was h**l FOR ME...but now i hav a whole group of frnds....gud luck(YOU will do fine)

  8. Don't be intimadated by older kids. They often are as nervous as your question seems to indicate you are. Just relax and concentrate on schoolwork first, once you have a handle on schoolwork, begin to build your social network.

  9. Hey!!You can't NOT go to school.Even if you don't go today,you'll have to go tomorrow and it'll be harder tomorrow cause by then everyone will get used to it and you'll be the new one.I'll tell you,go to school,and take a book along and your cellphone too,hide the cell,you never know the rules.Take the book along because if you don't have anyone to talk to,you can always read your book.

    First days ALWAYS suck and they suck bad.

    Don't worry,I wish you luck!

    And if you still don't want to go,run away!!

    Best thing!

    I'm not being mean,I'm trying to help!:)

  10. Relax. Starting a new school is awesome cuz you get to re invent your self and make lots of new friends. Just smile a lot at everyone and look open, I am sure they want to make friends as much as you do:)

  11. Pretend you want to be there. It may not be as enjoyable as if you really did, but better than if you spent your whole day pouting and looking at the clock. You're going anyway, right? Make the best of it, consider it a challenge.

  12. Omg, I hope you didn't move to Essex- it's the worst place ever >.<

    Don't worry :) you are not the only newbie there, I'm sure of that. Besides there are teachers so if you need anything I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms- you're a new 6th form, obviously they know you might be confused about things :)

    Good luck, think positive! It's gonna be all good , you will meet new people, and finaly 6th form! you do the subject you want! wooo!

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