
I have tryouts in a week..?

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I'm thinking about playin' soccer for High School, and tryouts are next week... I've never played soccer before and I don't know what you do in tryouts.. so could you explain to me what you do?

I think i'm pretty fit, i'm just worried about my soccer SKILLS. I can juggle reallllly well but I don't know how to do tricks and i don't have dribbling skills. What shold i do to prepare?




  1. Just keep practicing and dribble the ball around a lot.

  2. if you've never played soccer before you will most likely not make the team. and if you do then your schools soccer team is horrible in which the case its a waste of time since you will only be training to lose.

  3. just practice for the week you have before tryouts practice dribbling around cone or something

  4. I know how you feel thats how I felt the first time I played Soccer :))) If your fit thats definitely a bonus usually you'll do running and drills and sometime scrimmage or something. Just tell your  coach I have never played before but I would love to learn that way she will cut you a lot more slack! and that sets the bar low so if you do really well the coach will be like wow shes never played before and she can do this! Also if you have a soccer ball practice kicking the ball around your yard and all the tricks will come to you or you'll learn from the other players hope that helps! go rock your tryouts!  

  5. a big factor in how good you are at soccer is experience. you can kick a ball around with your mates as much as you like but the experience of a game is completely different. but back to the original question: just practice there are some brilliant books that tell you the techniques of different skills i can give you a few now.

    Shooting: point your toes to lock your ankle and strike the ball in the middle with your laces. for one-on-ones use a side foot.

    Crossing: hit the ball with your instep near the bottom of the ball

    Dribbling: keep the ball close to you, if you kick it too far away you will lose control and possession.

    Controlling: relax the body part you are going to control with and take the impact out of the ball.

    You may have already known these but i thought i should include them. don't worry about tricks; you don't have to beat players. And juggling the ball will definitely not help you all those circus tricks are useless in games.

    And remember: keep practicing, when i started playing 3 years ago i was totally useless but with dedication you will improve.

    Hope i helped!

  6. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!!! Make sure you can run for a long amount of time, make sure that you can at least dribble. Honestly, the moves done in soccer are simply for show. In most cases, you can get around someone by simply faking a shot or cutting the ball around them. Find someone else who has played soccer for a while and is also possibly trying out and practice with them

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