
I hit a parked car. Help?

by  |  earlier

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So today i hit a parked car...only...i didn't know about it...

It started like this: My bud and me are driving to a school event. I begin to pull into my usual spot when i notice that there are ambulances and fire trucks in my spot. So i deside to find a different lot to park in. So i pull half way into a parking spot, hit the brakes (hitting my brakes caused my buds bike in the back to fall over), and then i hear "You idiot!" from my bud in the passanger seat.

Now, i assumed that by him saying "You idiot" he was refering to me making his bike in the back fall down. But about 10 mins later i find out he called me an idiot because i hit a parked car.

I had no idea i hit a car, i did not feel a thing, nor hear a thing. But after some inspection i can see some minor scratches and paint loss on the front left side of my car.

i have no idea what the damages for the parked car are. I would of left a note but with all the crazy firetrucks around i panicd and left. Thanks for any help!




  1. If not reported and you are later found this will be written up as a "hit and run" which will put you in a worst situation.............

  2. No, and I answer this question as a person that works in law enforcement, you commited a crime by leaving the scene.  I understand that you were nervous, but you still should have left a note.  Try and contact the school, (hope you got a tag #) and let them know the situation, if you cant get in touch with the person than you have done all that you can do.  I don't know  how your law works where you are but "here" private property accidents are handled by the drivers unless a hit and run is involved. Good luck and in the future always leave a note.

  3. F that. Just forget about it

  4. always leave a note, at least.

    by leaving the scene u were in a 'hit and run'..a felony in VA

    no matter what the damage is you must leave a note.

    best thing to do is report it to the office, or if u see that same car again, leave a note or talk to the owner.

    depending on the persons mood they may say dont worry bout it or u may have to contact your insurance co

  5. You damaged someone's car,   you need to make it right.   If you "leave it be",  you have no right to complain when someone does this to you.  

    The circumstances in your tale make no difference.   You need to step up and do the right thing.   Repair the damages,   get a new bud who is smart enough to lay the bike down or properly secure it.

  6. Honestly, how can you hit a parked car? Was there a parked car or was it just your buddy yelling because of his bike? Did you see any other car around yours that had matching scratch marks or dents from your hit? At this point, I'd say just let it go and be more aware next time too! The "right thing to do" would be to leave a note if you actually hit a car and the owner wasn't around. But, really, how many people out there actually do that? Sounds bad I know, but it is the truth. Also, hope no one saw it or your "buddy" doesn't turn you in.

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