
I just got a hamster help..?

by  |  earlier

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well i just got my hamster a little while ago hes only 6 weeks a syrian. his cage is an aquarium with wired top. i dont know what to do to train him not to bit. would should i do first i dont know what to do he has food and water and he seems happy and he likes his cage. should i try to pick him up and play with him.. HELP!!!!!!




  1. when you pick him up, try feeding him so he gains your trust.  THen he wont bite you in the future

  2. make sure you wash your hands b4 and after picking your hamster up because he will smell the scent of food on your hands and that may cause him to bite. First you want to start with just sticking your hand in the cage and give him a treat showing that you don't want to hurt him. Do that the first couple of days and then start touching him, and rewarding him with small treats. After he is completely fine with that you can start trying to hold him.  Put a treat on your hand so he can eat it and see that your hand brings treats. If he is still uneasy then go back to just touching him for a few days. Take it slow and don't rush.

  3. try to pick him up by his back then pet him every day until he dosent bite u any more(you might wanna put on gloves for the fisrt times)

  4. dogs rock!!! hamsters,eh,not so much.

  5. don't touch him for awhile. allow your hamster to get used to his new surroundings for about 24 hours. then slowly start trying to play with him. pet his back and put some food in your hand and pet him while hes eating the food. be patient. good luck

  6. He bites? There's not much you can do about that because hamsters are stupid. Get a dog. or a cat even.  

  7. hamsters are rodents and their teeth will continuously grow longer and longer.  You need to give him a wood block to chew on in order to keep his teeth length down.

  8. dont try and pick him up. this may scare him. let him come to you. try putting a little bit of a treat in the palm of your hand and he'll eventually come up and eat right out of your hand. while he eats try stroking his back. do this a couple of times a few days in a row and when he climbs into your hand try lifting him up and using both hands to hold him but be careful not to have him higher than 8 inches off the ground because if he jumps and falls he may get hurt.

    remember more and likely he will bite. if this happens dont jump or throw him off just put him down. alot of times it looks like they'll bite but really they'll just nibble and this doesnt hurt at all.

    be patient and good luck

  9. well yeah get him out nd feed him with your hands and remember that they are the dumbest animals i mean the dumbes rats cuz if u hold em high they would just jump to death but mice dnt mice hold on to your fingers as tight as possible!!!

  10. Let him get used to the smell of your room/house and then maybe a week later, you should try to pick him up.

    If he is biting you then, you are either holding him wrong or he still isn't used to the smell of you. Put him in your lap and let him walk around for a little while and try again.

    It might take a week or so of doing this before he warms up to you.

    Good Luck!


  11. You really can't train a hamster but you could try distracting him with food

  12. Start out by wearing gloves when you handle him for the first two weeks until he gets use to you handling him to make sure he doesn't bite you. Clean his cage every week. Buy him a wheel to run on because if he doesn't have that he will get too fat and could die. Buy him a running ball and take him out every night and let him run. They love that! Handle him every day because if you don't he could bite you if he is not use to it on a regular basis. Besides hammy food, they can eat corn and carrots. Sometimes I cut of the end of a corn cobb and they just love it. It's fun to watch them eat it. lol Give them lots of love and they will love you back!  

  13. Give him some time to get used to his new home. Then gradually let him see your hand is this is scary for a little critter. Let him smell it and maybe hold a treat in it and let him take it out. Talk soft. It will take awhile to gain his trust. If he does bite dont throw him as that is a normal reaction because it does hurt. By throwing him I mean shake him off or let him fall. Just go slow and it should be fine. Let him know your hand is a good thing. Putting treats in palm of hand and putting hand in cage and not moving it and letting him take treat out of hand or stand in hand and eat it is a good start. He will start to learn that he gets his favorite treats from your hand. :) Good luck

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