
I just got my first aquarium?

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i just got a 2.5 gl. aquarium. I have only set it up. no water or fish yet. how can I make fish owning a success from the start?

how many fish can i get and what kinds would be easiest to keep?

thank you




  1. Well, if you want it to look good, probably some gravel in the bottom. Since it is 2.5 gal, not too many fish can fit in it. I would recommend Fancy guppies, Neon tetras, comet goldfish, or maybe even a snail or two (not all together, of course). Buy fish food (duh), i would go with Tropical Flakes, they are inexpensive and work with most fish. Maybe you should buy a fake plant, not live because i have tried live and they do not work out so well. If you want to get fancy you can buy a filter (yours probably has one already), and perhaps some water conditioner. If you want to get really fancy, you can check up on some research about the fish you want. See what water temperature they prefer, and then buy one of those thermometers that sticks to the side (usually 2-3 dollars). If you are still unsure, just ask the peopple at the pet store. They know best. Check for reference. Hope this works!

  2. from experience i would say you need a gallon of water per inch of fish that you keep minus the rocks or decorations you have you shouldnt keep more than 3 fish one inch in size in a 2 1/2 gallon tank i would say buy some tetras or tiger barbs but not together though because the tiger barbs would kill the tetras  

  3. I'm sorry but the only thing that will fit in that tank is 1 single male betta, and that's only if your tank has a heater and a gentle filter.

    Otherwise no fish can live in there.

    Tetras and Barbs are schooling fish and are very active, therefore cannot survive in your 2.5 gallon.

  4. That's a small tank.  Go with tetras (neons) they are small and last a long time. Start with no more than 3 neons and 1 Algae eater

    First time usually you lose fish but after you learn about the water and all that goes into it  you should have better luck.  Always ask about the fish you purchase before you buy them.

    Go on www. Drs Foster&'s interesting and you can learn alot also they show all different fish.

    Good Luck

  5. well thats really small but u can only get a few fish,

    the fish you can get is either 3neon tetras,  or 1tiger barb, or 1betta,or maybe a male guppy. so think and choose 1.

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