
I just got my first period.?

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i am 15 and i was wondering if there is anything i should know. like when should i begin wearing a tampon before my expected date? (like how many days). just give me a few things a should be aware of.




  1. Well the best thing about getting your period is that you aren't pregnant.

  2. well idk what tampons are well i mean i know what they are but i wear pads not tampons cause i think you stick tampons in you? to stop the blood am i right but what ever, just keep a calandar of every time you get what date and what time and you should be on track with it every month but i know that alot of girls when the first time they get it like after that first time they dont get it until like a few months later are sometimes a year you should see a doctore and they will help  

  3. Aww hugs to you. I have a daughter who is 10 and I'm thinking she's going to get it soon as well. I got mine when I was 11. I started wearing tampons when I was ready probably about your age. The way they are made now has advanced big time. I would use a calendar and mark it with something that you know and just keep track of it and be prepared every 4 weeks or so for it to arrive. Some girls get it every 3 weeks some every 5. Just depends. You'll learn your cycle.

    Whether you decide to wear pad or tampons or maybe both, always keep them handy. Nothing is more embarassing then being at school with nothing and having to go to the clinic or being out somewhere when it decides to pop up! If you feel more comfortable you can wear a light tampon or pad when it gets closer to your "expected date".

    Be aware that your flow may be heavy the first few days. Or it could be heavy throughout your whole cycle, once again it just depends on your body. I hope this helps you some.

    If you need to chat drop me an email.

    Take care sweetie

  4. Well, congrats on starting!! Second, DO NOT wear a tampon unless you are ON your period. Wear a bad 2-3 days before it should come. When it STARTS, you can wear tampons. Remember, it will be irregular at first, so always be prepared. Keep a couple tampons with you all the time.

  5. Congrats on the period! Sometimes it can be a real hassle but it's all apart of growing up! All you have to do is wear a pad or a tampon when you first see your period, not days before. Sometimes it won't come right on the scheduled date. What I do is I mark it down on the calendar. I count every 28 days and see if it comes regularly. For the first 2 years your period may not come regularly due to hormones and stuff which is completely normal. Also i'd go to the store and buy some Midol because it helps with cramps and bloating during your period and it's a real big help. You also may experience cravings. Some days it's for something sweet like chocolate, others for something salty like french fries.

    Something I just remembered is:

    1) Don't keep a tampon in for more than 4 hours without changing it because it can cause infection.

    2) I don't know if you've ever tried a tampon before to get the feel of it but from experience Tampax Pearls are comfortable. Hahaha.

    Good luck and again, Congrats!

  6. Never put a tampon in before the start of your period it inreases the risk of TSS. Always use the smallest absorbency possible. Change your tampon every 8 hours at least. Do light exercises or take tylenol or ibprofen i u have cramps. And check out your alternative menses options, it took me too long to do this and it never hurts to experience.

    Menstrual cups

    Organi tampons and pads

    Cotton Pads

    Fitted Undies and etc.



  7. u should wear a tampon right when you see you got your period. not before

  8. congrats to you! I think you can wear panty liners and have a couple of tampoons in you bag at all times just to be sure.  And try to mark the first day you have your period in a calendar and count for at least 27-28 days (for a regular cycle) for you to expect another cycle.  But it depends on every woman, the cycle maybe 30days or some would have 20days.  So just keep track of it.  

    Take care!

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