
I keep feeling depressed

by  |  earlier

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I have been dealing with depression since the age of 8. I am now 24. I have been doing pretty good on Prozac, but in the last 2 weeks or so, I have been unusually depressed and very sore...muscle ache. I started smoking cigarettes again, and am trying to not smoke any because my husband dosent like me to smoke, and I have been drinking...not much, 2, 3 maybe 4 beers in the course of a day. I have had to take my husbands muscle relaxers the last couple nights in order to fall asleep at night or I will just lie awake, sore and unable to get comfy. I also need to smoke marijuana in order to get sleepy enough. Any suggestions on how to get out of my rutt?




  1. You should go to your doc and talk with him/her about it. It sounds like you're covering up the symptoms instead of  solving the problem.  Mixing alcohol with muscle relaxers with alcohol is a BAD idea.  Drinking also makes depression worse (ask me how I know).  You could have a physical illness, you really need to go to the doc.

  2. yah..between the muscle relaxers, the anti depressants, and the weed and alcohol...your making yourself work...all those are downers...except for the anti depressants..but 3 downers and 1 upper ...yeah..ur going down..your probably making it realize you have a problem..quit being lazy and just fix it..don't pick up that beer. it probably doesn't help with the might of had a bad week then just the pot. muscle relaxers and beer just make it keep going on..and STOP taking muscle relaxers and smoking pot to fall asleep. you will start to think that you need it to sleep..when you don' me...if you need sleep you WILL fall asleep. its inevitable..unless your forcing yourself awake..but if you realize you have a problem why would you do that to yourself..that'd be stupid..and i don't think your stupid...but yeah..sry /end . long story realize you have a problem..quit doing downers. and just keep busy..seriously...keeping bust will get your mind off of being depressed. you obviously have enough time on your hands to realize all your problems and have the time to ask on yahoo about your issue..

    anyways..if all else fails just go to the are 24 maybe your Prozac dosage isn't as strong as it use to be..just get it upped or something.

    oh..yeah..also stop smoking...just make your husband happy by not smoking..him happier with you = you happier  

  3. First up you should never mix alcohol or any illegal drugs with anti-depressants.  You are playing with your brain chemistry and you don't know what effects that could have.

    I find that the best ways to stave off feeling dpressed are "common sense" approaches - eat healthy, get good sleep at the right time, and exercise as much as you can.  Exercise releases endorphins which are feel good chemicals in your brain.  I always feel better after exercise (s*x is an acceptable form of exrcise!  and fun).

    The only person who can advise you medically is your GP so talk to them.  But medication will rarely help on its own; it just gives you a level playing field so you feel able to make the life changes that will really help you.

  4. seriously...go to the doctor.

    if that doesnt help. try church.

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