
I keep getting fatter?

by  |  earlier

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im gaining weight like a frigen mother f'er.. lol my boyfriend and i are constantly going out to eat.... and thats pretty much all we do...i love food...when im bored i eat...when im tired i eat...when im mad i eat.... i weight like 170 and 4 years ago i weighed 130... im 5'7 im not looking just not fit at all...sometimes i get real depressed and work out ...but right when im done i eat soemthing.... i cant help myself... how can i stop...ive tryed diets..but nothing satisfies me enough....i dont kno what to doooo




  1. First, you have to stop eating out all the time.  Portions are too large and tend to be full of fat and other empty calories.

    You can eat almost all you want if you are eating lean protein, fruits, veggies, bean, nuts, seeds and whole grains.  You'd be surprised how much healthy food you can eat before you hit 2000 calories.

    When you are hungry, drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes.  IF you are still hungry then eat an apple or pear.  Or better yet, go for a walk with your boyfriend, you can just walk or walk and talk.  It will make you both feel better.

    I'll also recommend you pick up a copy of Ultra-Metabolism by Dr. Mark Hyman.

  2. hi their!

  3. you need to change your lifestyle and stop eating out so much.  you can cook the same delicious foods that you buy when dinning out at home but with less calories.  being healthy takes effort, keeping bad habits doesn't.

  4. you can do it but you need motivation maybe your bf can join you and youll help each other
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