
I knew it!!! (Tampa Bay Question)?

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How did I know that Tampa Bay was going to rebuild their team 10x better than the leafs. Also why do I have a feeling the team that was last in the East last year will go far in the playoffs.

Thoughs? Opionins?




  1. Tampa is doing a good job of beefing up the forward positions.  Then again last year they started with St- Louis, Lecavalier Prospal and Richards as their top 4 forwards.....  not a bad group either.

    The more things change the more they stay the same in Tampa, the need goaltending and Defense  so what do they do overload up front.  They have already proven that that does not work.

    Don't get me wrong they are better today than they were at the season's end but I think they are not spending their money where it is most needed.

    The leafs have one goal for this year, finish last and get the best shot possible at the no 1 overall pick.

    It is fortunate that buyouts count against the cap or they would be hard pressed to meet the minimum if the keep dumping players.

  2. Its only 10x better on paper.  I thought Tampa actually had a pretty good team last year but thanks to injuries and distractions they managed to be quite the opposite.  The Leafs are also at a point where they are cleaning out the mess and looking for a full time GM so there's no doubt that Tampa, with their buckwild spending new management will rebuild alot faster than the Leafs.

  3. They overpaid for Ryan Malone by 2 million a year.  They haven't upgraded their defense.  They'll do better than last year, but not by a large amount.

  4. Yes, Tampa will be better and if i were a betting man i'd say they sneak in the playoffs at that 7 or 8 seed. It's great that Vinny will be there for the rest of his career, and malone will do well there i'm sure. Melrose will have a lot to prove this season and all i can say is it will be fun to watch. Someone mentioned goaltending problems, I'd say you guys have a good thing in Mike Smith. He's a solid young guy that will deffinately have a cup or tow under his belt by the time he is done. I'd say you guys out there in tampa have a lot to look forward to this season.

    P.S. Thanks for Brad Richards, he's working out nicely.

  5. I have a feeling they'll do well in the playoffs. But I just can't tell yet.

  6. On paper they're better but maybe not as good as some think.

    They'll make the playoffs but they may have cap problems down the line w/the cash they've given to Lecavilier and Malone and the dough they'll give to Stamkos.

    Still lets look at the roster.

    Added since the deadline:

    Halpern: god young forward who got hot last yr down the stretch

    Jokinen: Underated young forward, could score 30goals down the line

    Smith: Good talented oung goalie, an upgrade over Denis and soon will be better that Holmqvist

    Stamkos: A star who'll light up the NHL next yr

    Malone: Good winger, will play on the 1st line

    Prospal: back in TB, Good chemistry w/Lecavilier and St. Louis


    Richards: Overpaid talented cancer in the locker room

    Homqvist: Smith's an upgrade

    Good moves they'll challenge for the divison

    Keep in mind they have negotiating rights to Gary Roberts and Brian Rolston too

    I agree w/LITy Stamkos won't turn them around overnight but they will imprrove. However LITy I isagree. I think Smith can be a top notch goalie down the road

  7. I doubt they'll go far into the playoffs. 1st, 2nd round? They still have this huge's called defense.

    They have no goalie and only mediocre defenders.

    Offense wins games, defense wins championshps.

  8. I think they're gunna do great this season comming up...which scares me. =/

  9. It looks that way you can't complain about the moves they made some other teams need to look at what they are doing and jump on that wagon before it has nothing left in it.

    this video shows Melrose at his last job!!!

  10. Agree 100%

  11. First you're psychic that is how you knew, that or you can read the laces on a baseball before it is even thrown...

    Barry Melrose will drive the players insane with his incessant babbling about Maurice Richard and Toe Blake... (J/K)

    I think the Ning will be better this coming season, but they will have an uphill battle to knock off the Pens.

    I don't really have a dog in this fight (no Mike Vick joke intended), since I am a Wild Fan...

  12. glad they're trying, but the problem wasnt on the front line of the ice. It was defense. they should be fine with smith in goal, Im a stars fan and I loved him. but they have plenty of offensive talent, they need to bring in a defensive defenseman to make things better.

  13. Tampa: Scoring goals wasn't their biggest problem by far. Now they can score a few more. So, this year scoring won't be their biggest problem. At least they'll be losing 6-4 instead of 6-3.

    Toronto: Uhh, hmmm, uhh... a good team can't draft Tavares. Cliff seems to right up on that concept.

    Seriously, I can see Tampa making the playoffs giving the division 2 playoff bound teams. Unforunately, no D and so-so goaltending are going to prevent them from going anywhere.

  14. Until Tampa finds a decent goaltender and defencemen, they've done nothing yet.

    Ryan Malone and Gary Roberts combined don't have the talent of Brad Richards.

    Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin failed to make Pittsburgh and Washington playoff contenders overnight, don't expect Steve Stamkos to do it in Tampa.

    So far (in my opinion)...........

    1.  Melrose and Tortorella have the same type of personality, but when taking into account ALL comparisons, I'd rather have Tortorella as my coach

    2.  They have not solved the goaltending problems

    3.  They have not addressed their defensive woes

    4.  They have replaced a solid point a game forward with a 42 yr old broken down man, an 18 yr old skilled player, and a player who's contract has agents in delight and owners wincing because it so overblown.  To me, they still need to replace Richards because Stamkos and malone won't be taking them to the promised land either!

    No comment on Toronto because all they've done is free up cash................but Tampa hasn't done anything either!

    I thought Tampa was a playoff team this year, and with the quality among the bottom 10 teams in the East, I can see them making the playoffs next year too.................I just can't see them getting very far if they do.


    when you average everybody in the NHL's salary with their point production (i.e $ per point), Brad Richards is 16.4% underpaid.

    I also have to disagree with you about Smith, after talking to several GMs at the draft, and a couple of calls to goaltending coaches, I've yet to find any one who thinks that Smith is of the calibre to be an NHL #1 goaltender.  Dallas saw him as Turco's successor, but over the past 2 years, they just found too many flaws in his game, and Jacques Caron (former goaltending coach of Brodeur and several Canada Cup teams) doesn't see it in him either.

  15. Well, not to be a doubter or anything but the 'Ning go as far as Karri Ramo and Mike Smith (TB Goaltenders) will take them... which ain't to the playoffs.

  16. I believe they will go far, but I still won't jump on the Mike Smith/Kari Ramo bandwagon.  They are good backups right now, that is all.  I think they need to sign a vet and get them in there to tutor these two

    Now FA starts soon and there are rumors of Huet, Kolzig, and Emery, but I won't be pleased until the news report comes across

    And yes, I don't think any team is doing what TB is doing right now in the it looks like they are signing a good about to long term deals rather than a one and done deal

    Also with Roberts and Rolston...I don't think there are plans to keep both.  The new ownership knows that need D, Rolston helps a little cause he is a defensive forward, however the owners have already admitted they want to secure 2 D-men, these two could just be used as bargaining chips.  They also said they wanted a good partner for Stamkos and that's what they get with Malone.

  17. You are forgetting one thing... I takes time to build chemistry! It took the Wings 3 years of tweaking and finding the right Chemistry, and they had a solid core of guys that had played together for years. Just cause you have talent doesnt mean you will make a splash in the playoffs..... take a look at the RAGS over the last 20 years! You also need a coach that can keep the team focused and not worry about the last game. Hence, Game 5 for the Wings last season! Can Melrose do that? Can he even do it when the Playoff run comes up, and they are battling? Time will tell. I wont knock Barry until I see.... its been a while since he last coached, and perhaps being away did him some good... AGAIN, time will tell!

    They need D

    They need Goaltending

    Melrose needs time to woek out his own kinks, let alone the teams!

  18. I think Tampa could do well, but you'll get no more help from Pittsburgh, having Ryan Malone should be enough.... lol

  19. oh dont worry your stinky team will make the palyoffs, the rays will fall apart, but hey watch out for the yankeessssssssss

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