
I know the answer do you?

by Guest31763  |  earlier

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this question came to me when I was stoned and it took me weeks to find the answer. I will give Best Answer to the one who knows, tomorrow I will tell the answer

Why don't you need a passport to go to the moon. You need one to go everywhere on Earth and the moon is further. Do you know the correct answer?

By the way the answer I got comes from the US Department.




  1. I'm thinking out loud here:

    You don't need a passport to go to the moon because the moon is not a country. It doesn't have borders. You need a passport for travelling essntially cuz it tells the foreign nation where you are from, if you have permission to visit and can tell them if you will be a threat to their country. There is no government or entity that can claim gurisdiction over the moon, so there is no need for permission to visit, making a passport useless.

    Am I wrong?

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