
I like my best friends sister!?!?!?

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I really like my best friends sister. She is 2 years younger than me but that isn't a problem. I was with my friend on the train the other day and we were talking about school and stuff. I kept trying to hint to him that I like her but I don't want to say anyting to him. How can I tell him and ask her???




  1. ok , make sure you have a real desire to go out with this girl , spend time down your friends house , make sure she notices the real you and then when the two of you are alone,ask her out your friend will find it a bit weird at first because he cant complain about his little sisters overcrowded wardrobe anymore , but he will come around and Miss you after a couple of days =]

    good luck and ignore the other answers , they don't seem to like Australian people and are trying to put you off the idea for some reason .

    and good luck !!

  2. ur bestfriend would probably start bein protective of his lil sis since he knows guys r after her now.

    just come out and tell him but be like

    "hey can i talk u. ok i dont want u to get mad or anything but i have a crush on ur sister. i know ur her brother and if u dont  want me to go out with her i wont. i completely understand! i just thought u should know since where like best we can tell each other everything u kno?"

  3. dude, if you're seriously his friend, don't do it.

    do you know exactly HOW weird that'd be?

  4. You can tell him, straight out. Flatly, "Dude, I like your sister." (Sorry about the dude there, seeing your Aussie. I say that normally! XD ) or hint at it but more obviously, "Well, I do that your sister and I could go out and be successful, ye know?" I think it would be best if you just told him. If he accepts it, of course he will, then just go ask out the darn girl. :) GOOD LUCK, DUDE. :D

  5. Just tell him directly, if hes a true friend he will understand your feelings. If he disproves or says anything of the like you should just directly go out of his way and confront her. Her brother isn't her father, or guardian whilst I know he is the closest relationship you have next to her as possible, you really shouldn't feel bothered to go out of your way to "ask for permission".

    Good luck

  6. What i would do first is tell him you like his sister. It's gunna be weird but you shouldn't just ask her out. Tell him first then ask her out, you don't need his permission but it's just to see how he will react.

  7. Yes, the age difference is a problem. Teenage girls and guys who are dating shouldn't date each other, as it's dangerous, and often illegal if the older person is eighteen or older. I'm assuming you're under eighteen, but you still shouldn't be dating a younger girl. I'm sure all of your parents would disapprove.

    So you can like her in your own mind, but try to find some other girls to like who are your age.

    Good luck!!

  8. Usually, a guy would want his best friend to date his sister cuz he knows him really well and such. So i think you should tell your friend you like her and would maybe want to take her on a date if it was okay with him AND her. but most importantly him lol.

    hope this helped! :]  

  9. just tell him im sure he'll understand cause he is ur best bud.  

  10. ok , well just tell ur friend straight up , that u like his sis  just to get that over with and then ask him if he'd ind if you asked her out .

    if he doesn't mind than go up to his sis and tell her u like her and tat you'd like to go on  date with her , simple as that  

  11. hey i dated my best friends sister once. long story short we are not bf no more.

  12. Ask him directly. If he's really your friend, he probably wouldn't mind.

  13. Just be up front, its the only way. Don't go behind his back. Hopefully he will be receptive to the idea but only you know how he might react. Good luck I hope it works out for you.

  14. I wish I could offer more advice to you than what the other users have already posted but since they have basically covered all the bases, I will only say that if you really like her and let your friend know that you do like her, your friend should be able to understand.

    Best of luck to you.

  15. well i was involved in a situation like this. not the same with two friends and a sister but i had a boy friend when i was 17 and we broke up and i started dating his best friend and we are all still good friends and we are married now. it just depends

  16. does she like you? just be honest come clean, if he is a true friend he will understand.

  17. well stop being a wimp.

    hey i like your sister & im gonnah ask her out.


    that was soooo hard.

    hey you wannah go out .


    that was even harder .

    seriousally i dont know why but this question gets on my nerves.

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