
I like science so...?

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I love my science classes. I kinda wanted to go into medicine, but I'm a germaphobe so I don't think I could handle it. Can you recommend some similar majors? Something not so germy.




  1. I'm a Microbiology major and I love it, but since you don't like germs that wouldn't work for you :) Bacteria are so cool.

    How about chemistry? It's super challenging but tons of fun.

  2. Why dont u become  a SCIENTIST?

  3. Physics is good - especially if you combine it with math.  It will allow you many future career choices from law, to business, to engineering.  In fact I can't really think of one career that would be closed to you.  Another interesting choice is computational science eg



  4. you will probably change your major more than once, so keep that in mind.

    also, not to scare you or anything, but science classes in college are extremely different than high school. most intro classes (gen chem, gen bio) are designed to weed out those who can't handle the courses. once you get through those classes, organic chemistry is the ultimate weedout course.  

  5. be a scientist

    a forensic scientist

    a science teacher

    or something around that

    why dont you look it up on google

  6. If you like science and math a chemical engineer would be a good choice.

  7. I love neuroscience - hence I'm a neuroscience grad student.  It's the study of the brain's structure and function.  Neuroscientists can go into a wide variety of fields including research and teaching (duh), intraoperative neuroimaging (basically making sure that during an operation the doctors don't inflict too much pain), grant distribution (reading scientific proposals and deciding who gets the funding), and more.

    You could also try becoming a pharmacist (like creating new drugs to treat the disorders in the world) by getting a chemistry degree.  You could even check out psychology and become a psychiatrist (if you really want to be an MD as opposed to a Ph.D).  Finally, there's environmental toxicology, where you study all the stuff in the environment that causes diseases - diseases from cancer to ebola to Alzheimers - I have a good friend doing this right now and she gets to go to Antarctica in November for research.

    Good luck choosing...remember I only listed the options I find fun not all the options in the world.

  8. try nutrition. or you could teach college students about anatomy or medicine. i thought about that for a while and am still considering it.

    you could be a naturopathic doctor. they don't do surgery but acupuncture. i don't know if you know what that is but basically a naturopath is a hippie doctor. for example: instead of per scribing drugs to make pain go away they find the source of the pain and treat the problem with vitamins, minerals, herbs, and acupuncture which is basically sticking needles into people. but don't freak out it hardly goes through the skin. maybe in like a millimeter, it doesn't make blood come out. what it does (or what ive gathered it does) is that you have a current of energy through your body. kind of like a electrical current. and by sticking these needles into people it can make the current go different ways so pain goes away for as long as the needles are in there. it is painless. and easily made non-germy.  
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