
I like this guy..........?

by Guest32044  |  earlier

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There are two... do they both like me? Does one? Do neither?

Guy 1: Plays the guitar and we have a LOT in common music-wise. We talked for awhile about it and I RLY want him to notice me but he seems friend-ish... what do I do?

Guy 2: We had a class where we were in the dark, like, pitch black for an expirement. And I think I accidentally touched his crotch, lol. And he was laughing or something and he was sitting next to me and flirting about sitting in the dark together and touching...?




  1. they both like u..but mayb the 2nd one more than the 1st. go get him!!

  2. i thank they both like you but if i were you just go out with both of them and see witch one you like the best to me i thank you should go for the number 2 guy

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