
I lost my motivation?

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Hey everyone, i need some "advice" =] ok here it goes.

i really do not know what happened to me, i use to be very optimistic-school girl that earned good grades. Now i have AP assignments due in 2 weeks, that i put no effort in at all. I just sorta devoloped a "i dont care" attitude. I prefer to talk to people or go to online websites instead. I try reading and working on my essay like the "old" me, but i just end up saying "this is lame, im gonna go have fun instead". ugh, idk what things can i do to get more motivated?




  1. take a pen and note.sit down and begin writing-i will complete the assignments within the time,i will sit and not move till some portion of the work is done,i shall overcome this phase with ease,iam made for great things and this somethings cannot break my determination to achieve my objective,i will,i will and i will dictate myself and not let circumstances dictate me.

                                i think this should work for you,dear friend.develop will overcome attitude,all the best

  2. just really REALLY push yourself to do things. NOW.

  3. These things have a way of working themselves out.  Much like everything else.

    All actions and choices (even the choice to take no action, like in your case) have results and rections.  Wether or not you think the results of your actions are positive or negative, largely depends on your personal view of your sitation.

    Maybe you think that repeating classes is a good thing for whatever reason, maybe you don't.  

    Generally, the results of your actions will shape your future motiviations.  If you fail enough classes and you don't like what happens as a result of that , you will become sufficiently motivated in the future.

    If you don't mind or even like the results of your academic inaction, no amount of pressuring yourself will do any good.

  4. There is a cause and a effect, that is, things we do today will have a consequence tomorrow. Likewise, things we do not do today, will have a consequence in the future.

    We tend to  lose momentum in the things we do once in a while, in fact, often. There could be many reasons for the distraction, be it internal or external. It becomes important to nail down what causes this distraction .

    Imagine the hardwork , time and energy you have invested all this while. By neglecting this assignment, how would it impact you? Would it not be a waste if this assignment matters?

    Direct your focus back. There is nothing wrong enjoying talking to people and doing the things you like. In fact, I think it is a good break and a reward.

    How Not To Procrastinate:

    1) 5 mins push off. Many a time, we wait for the right mood to come to get us started. Often then not, the mood does not seem to appeared.

    Therefore, do not wait. Push yourself even if you do not feel like doing it especially the first 5 minutes. Once you get into the act, the momentum will tend to pick up.

    2) Do it in group. Get a friend to work at it together

    3) Get out of the house. Go to a library where the environment support and motivate us to work.

    4) For me, when I am down, I like to pick myself up by reading a motivational book or watch a motivational video. Check out this video 'The Last Lecture'  at youtube by Dr Randy Pausch

    5) Reward yourself. Give yourself a reward when you finally get things going.


  5. think about the future.  

  6. What you described seems to be a type of "self-handicapped" behavior, so if you don't do well, you will have an excuse for yourself. I guess you actually are anxious about the upcoming tasks and trying to get rid of the unpleasing anxiety. Think about this--the anxiety is not going to go away, so try to do what you have to do with the existence of the anxiety. Once you have accomplish the tasks, you will know you have tried your best, and there is no regret.

    Best wishes!
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