
I might get some rats?

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my parents are going to let me get a rat !

but before i need to no all the information about them first !

please put some info down




  1. I've never owned any, but I do know that you are supposed to get at least two at a time, because they get very lonely

  2. Yes you should get two cus they need rat company. The best way to learn about them is to join a yahoo rat group and read up on the internet. Know the breeding of your rat to help you get a well bred healthy rattie. Pet store rats are more prone to health problems.

    All rats carry myco. this can "flare" up understress or as they age. it can be treated with antibiotics.  rats are wonderful pets and can give you years of love. just make sure you take care of them and get them from a respectable breeder.

  3. There is a LOT to be learned about rats before you get some, and yes, you would need at least two as rats are very social and it's not a good idea to keep just one alone.

    Instead of providing you with tons of facts myself, since I am more of a mice person than a rat one (though that might change in the future), I will suggest you visit the Rats and Mice Club of America website at where you will find a lot of information about what kind of pets rats make, their behavior, how to take care of them, etc..
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