
I miss being creative. Please help?

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I used to make art all the time. I could sit down and write a short story in no time flat. The ideas kept coming and I could always express them.

Now I'm working two jobs, and I'm tired all the time. When I DO have free time, I just sit and do nothing. As a result I get depressed and angry at myself- why can't I write, why can't I draw, why can't I create like I used to? Without artistic expression I feel trapped and lost, but I *can't* create... its been this way for almost a year now. I do something every now and again, but it's like I have to force it.

What do I do? My family doesn't understand this. I tried to explain to my mother how upset I am that I can't write, and she acts like 'I'm being silly. "You write all the time!" she says, and she doesn't believe that I'm only trying and failing.

Advice, please... I can't drop the two jobs... but I need to find my creative self again.




  1. I write late at night when I can't sleep. It really helps me and when I do have the free time, I like to hang out with my brother and make stuff. Not always easy but you can do it! HANG IN THERE!

  2. That is the hardest part of growing up is keeping yourself. Right now it hurts a lot that your need for sleep and rest are taking away from your desire to create but the frustration you are suffering is only making matters worse and making creativity next to impossible. What you need to know is that when you slow down on the work and have more time to relax the creativity will return. For now content yourself with a diary or small painting projects like embellishing an apron, mini canvases for tree trimming- things you can finish quickly that will give you the satisfaction of success without a big time bite. Also don't forget the best inspiration comes from pleasure so be sure to take walks on your meal breaks and if the weather allows dine outside under a tree or in the park. the more you give yourself separation time from work the more you will feel free enough to create again. Good Luck!

  3. You don't need to drop the two jobs, but maybe you need to stop being so hard on yourself. Trying to make yourself do anything takes the pleasure out of it all.

    I too love art, but sometimes I have no desire in me to create, and then once finding an inspirational thing happening, even in the small things that happen at work, I can then create again.

    Have you thought of just sitting a writing anything at all that pops into your head, whatever thoughts they are? You may be surprised at what you write, that might trigger new thoughts, and before you know it, pages will be filled.

    hope that helps, and all the best,


  4. Carry a small notebook with you at all times (I like Moleskins). Set aside half an hour every day to write or draw, and do it. Even if it sucks. Even if it's too awful to ever see the light of day. Do it anyway. And don't just sit in front of an empty page for half an hour. Write/draw anything and everything that comes to mind. Set a limit - you can't sit and think for more than a minute without putting pen to paper.

    The mind is like the body. If you don't exercise it, it will waste away. You have to get your mind back in shape again.

    Good luck. As a writer, I know how you feel. And I hope you get through it. The world needs more art.

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