
I miss my parents!!?

by  |  earlier

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i recently transferred to a college out of state and miss my parents very much. i'm an only child and am very close with them. do you have any advice? i'm homesick and airline tickets are too expensive, so i won't be able to go home for a few months.




  1. Try and make friends. They will normally make you forget about your parents.

  2. I can realize your feelings of missing your parents, but you know there are many things that are beyond our control, so have patience for some time

  3. My daughter started college 2 days ago too. I miss her very much, last night I had a crying fit when I went to her room and saw no one there just her clothes and memories of her stuff. Anyway like you i'm a little depressed too. I'm going to work on Monday and I know I wont think of her much. I text her and we did talk on the phone yesterday, Im very proud of her and know she's well and I guess we all have to let go. In time we'll both be better. I suggest not to look at pictures, not to think much about them. Dont stay alone much and get involved as much s U can, meeting new people and trying to do new things. Get moving!!!. you'll be fine, I wish you the best in college!

  4. Call, text and IM. Then go find  a new BF/GF and take your mind off of home. The visit home will be all the sweeter.

  5. Just talk to them on the phone but also immerse yourself in college life.  You need to enjoy yourself there too.  Why did you choose out of state?

  6. Get involved, join student government organizations (RHAs are good), become active in your hall, get busy.  It will help keep your mind off of it.  There are also people you can talk to about your experiences.
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