
I must be a star because?

by  |  earlier

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I just got another star...

I know I will properly get blocked out, what the heck to day is slow and I'm a little depress because I'm my bussines is very slow and my husbands hours have been cut down to 32 hours a week. We just got done paying for an expensive trip to Itlay before his hours are cut.

Cost of living is out of this world, food, gas...

Life kind of suck right now.

How are the rest of you folks doing?




  1. I can't stop crying. My heart goes out to the family.

  2. chin up

    i know your trip was expensive but you will always have the memories

    if his hours had been cut last year you might not have taken the trip

    have a star to brighten your day

  3. Come on over, we'll roll in the clover......

  4. Life is not treating me fair lately .....  but I'm fine.

    Life is ups and downs. Just hang-on tight and life will be better sooner or later. A little prayers will help too (for comfort). Family and friends will be good company too.

    Bad luck comes and go. Yes it's sucks ... that's life.

    Composed yourself, you still got your husband, you will come up with something to make the situation better, that's for sure.

    Life is still good. Good luck.

  5. have a star. you sound unhappy, but don't worry.... things always get better. trust in god and love.

  6. a song for you,

    hope it cheers you up

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