
I need Dream Interpreters?

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I Had a really weird dream and its really bugging me first let me explain my backround Im Jewish and I go to this day camp for jews. So I had a dream that I was at camp and people from spain came to visit. oh and the camp looked nothing like it I just knew it was camp becuase of my counselors. The people from spain came with a fire pit. and said for everyone to get in line so they did but i was still walking to the end of the line when I saw that they were throwing everyone into the fire pit! I was really scared and started to sing the shema. (Jewish Prayer) and I said Im not going to die. so I hid in a tree. But my counselor found me and grabbed me out of it. then he started walking towards the fire pit the fire pit looked like a bowl and you couldnt see the fire it was underground. and then he threw me at the edge of it and I started sliding in but I stopped myself and got out Then my counselor started to laugh. and he said we turned the fire off all my frends died but me. I woke up




  1. A lot of studies say dreams don't mean anything.  Personally, I don't think much of them.  But I have read some stuff on this type of dream.

    This sounds like the "being chased" type of dream.

    This is copied off of the URL posted below:

    "Being chased

    The ever-popular chase dream can be extremely frightening. What it usually symbolizes is that you're running away from your problems. What that problem is depends on who is chasing you. It may be a problem at work, or it may be something about yourself that you know is destructive. For example, you may be drinking too much, and your dream may be telling you that your drinking is becoming a real problem. "

    Personally, to me this doesn't sound like your problem.  You probably have fear or what has happened to your people and have heard stories that have hurt you.  I imagine your quite young and if you attend a "jewish camp" you are not as use to being around a variety of races and religions.  You may be ignorant of how people think of jews today vs 60 years ago.

    How to over come this?

    Confront your worst fears about being jewish.  Learn to understand what happened in the holocaust will not happen again.  I don't know where you are from in the world but I'm guessing Europe if you are dreaming about people from Spain.  You must have something supressed in your head about Spanish people if you were able to identify that it was people from Spain rather than just random people.  Figure out what you are scared about spanish people for.  Fix your problems and you should be happy!

    If I were to do anything to a Jewish person it would just be tell them to stop being jewish with their money ;).  No one is going to burn you.

  2. Dreams have many reasons. One of those reasons is to prepare one for situations. These situations aren't always that likely, but sometimes your brain just likes to do some exploring, to see what you would do when given certain circumstances.

    The choice here is, die with your friends and feel untied with them, or save yourself and feel guilty for your exclusive survival. In this case, you chose to save yourself.

    Now, let's look into the setting and circumstances of this dream. You attend this Jewish daycamp, so obviously the setting is drawn from there. I can't explain the strange and unfamiliar location because you didn't really go into detail as to what it looked like. But I can explain the fire pit. Most likely in this daycamp you learn about Jewish history. And of course a big part of Jewish history is the Holocost. I assume that you covered this in you camp, and this probably made a big impression. Based on the details of this dream, I'd say that you put a lot of thought about the death camps, and perhaps imagined what it would be like being in one. This of course would deeply trouble someone, and it's not surprising that something like this would slip into the subconscious and create a dream. Perhaps you thought of the gas chambers and the ovens and put a lot of thought into this, and that is why there's a fire pit. Of course, the way you describe the pit is like the mass graves the Natzis used. You descirbe the pit very precisely, so I imagine that you watched a video or saw a picture in witch the mass graves were shown.

    Thinking about facing immanent death would certainly spark your mind to start considering what it would do when faced with this. So this dream is most likely strictly caused by the things you've learned, seen, and thought of while at your daycamp.

    Hope this helps!!


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