
I need Self Confidence help??

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Are there any girls out there who don't let their weight hold them back? Im not huge but Im not skinny and no one else seems to care they like me for me. But when it comes to meeting guys or telling some one i like them....well....i don't which is stupid cuz i don't look bad all my cloths fit me....IM just not skinny, im tired of being single how do i build self confidence and learn to love me despite what others will say...




  1. You have to really learn to love yourself the way you are first. Sounds cliche but it is true.

    Think about all the wonderful qualities you have and how they are much more of a measure of who you are as a person than your weight is, or ever will be.

    If someone is saying something to make you doubt  your appearance or worth as a person, don't pay attention to them. I'm sure you are a wonderful girl, you just need to realize it.

  2. I, myself, have a self confidence issue. It's a little different from yours... but anyway, I honestly don't think you need to worry about what guys think. If the guy you like is a good person, he'll just see you for you. Any guy that first notices your body (big, skinny, or average) shouldn't be the guy you like. Just live your life as yourself. Be yourself, and before you know it, you'll have a boyfriend. I finally got a boyfriend and my issue is me constantly thinking, 'oh my gosh... he's probably going to break up with me soon. I'm such a boring person...', but I'm learning to look past that. I don't think you need to worry about weight or looks. Just be yourself. Give it time, and if your my age, you'll see that guys will finally start to mature/ grow up.

  3. I recently went through I probably am going through it still. Its like it doesnt even matter at all what other people think of me. I dont like the way I look and thats all that matters.

    I am uncomfortable in my own skin.

    Recently I started dating someone and he thinks I am so utterly gorgeous and hot.. this hasnt cured me but it does make me feel better.

    the less I think about how I look and the more I look inside at who I really am, the better my self esteem is.

    When I am doing my hobbies, my self esteem is high..

    maybe you just need to focus on another aspect of who you are and this will help.

    When I think about it, I wouldnt want to be Nicole Richie thin. I like the body of Beyonce..JLo..Kim Kardashian..hips are s**y!

    Maybe were just bored..or perfectionists..who knows..

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