
I need a folder locker program?

by  |  earlier

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I work in a small office and my boss has asked me to try and find a program that will allow him to lock folders. That seems simple enough but there are some other criteria that need to be met. The folders must be able to be accessed read only in some cases and all the computers in the office must be able to recognize the folders and unlock them if necessary.

Anyone know of any program that could help?




  1. I googled around and found the following...

    (by the way if you have a look around yourself make sure to thoroughly research and read reviews as it seems a few of these types of software are not so good and contain adware rubbish)

    these do not:

    Just for making folders invisible this one:

    This one sounds particularly what you want...

    As all of those are untested by me I cannot vouch for the usefulness of them but I did read the reviews and stuff for you to get some good ones singled out.

    Oh I nearly forgot there is a highly recommended program that is free and I use it already!

    It is called Truecrypt and enables you to encrypt stuff on the PC which is basically what you want.  You use passwords to encrypt and decrypt your files or folders and it can even make them completely hidden to all programs too...get it here:

    In fact that last link is all I should have given you really but can decide.  I recommend Truecrypt over all else!

  2. I have the best program for you and it is completely free!

    My Lockbox

    it's a program that lets you choose a folder and you make it password protected..also it's completely hidden...invisible as well (really!)

    to get back into the folder open up 'My Lockbox' type in the password, click unlock...and BINGO the folder appears again in the original location...

    This is perfect for confidential files

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