
I need advice pretty please? ?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my ex broke up last week after 2 months. I was home for the summer so I didn't really see him, and it's also why I only met his two best friends once. Today I get a MySpace message from one of his best friends asking if I was okay. We had a nice little conversation. It's weird because I didn't speak to him since that one time we met in June! What do you think that was all about? My ex ended the relationship, by the way.




  1. Well I can tell you from experience that some guys do go after their friend's girlfriends.  If the relationship with the ex was sexual, maybe the best friend is trying to get some of what his friend has talked about, maybe it is a competition thing, but then again, maybe the guy just really likes you.  Its hard to tell without knowing these guys or their personalities.

  2. Don't read too much into it.  The friend was probably too embarassed to ask you about such a sensitive subject in person, or in front of another person.  It was very tactful of him to do it privately.

  3. Maybe his bff is trying to hit on you? If you want your ex back I suggest you don't talk to his bff  

  4. I think I don't know what your question is or what advice you want. I'd suggest however to stay single for a while before diving into another relationship. And maybe start thinking seriously about relationships in general: breakups are painful and with each one you kind of wear your soul down. Better choose your partner wisely and avoid them at all.

  5. It is your ex using his friend to find information about you. There is a small possibility he is interested in you and now going after you since you are single.

    Write him back and say everything is great. DO NOT FOCUS ON THE EX OR ANYTHING ABOUT THE EX.........make this a completely generic reply. If he wants to pry, his next email will be more forthcoming

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