
I need break up help?

by Guest10671  |  earlier

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I need some serious help here, my girlfriend broke up with me this week and I cant get her out of my head, we were planing on getting married in a few years so I'm pretty broken up over it, I still love her and I am dreaming of her ever night. I want to move on so we can go back to being friends with out the awkwardness and I need some ideas on what will help me to get over her.

I am not into using a girl to rebound. I'm 17 and I live in a small town so their is not much to do. I also have a pretty small friend base and most of them live pretty far away so I cant do much with them. Any ideas? Thanks.




  1. why did she beak up with you? i think you should clear up your mind. go to places you've never been before and think what to do there. make a new hobby or do some things like getting a job, reading, photography, anything not related with your ex. build a new life without her. there's so much in life. it doesn'tt end there. you're still young. be happy.  

  2. Oh My God, I'm sorry! What I would do is try to do things that don't remind you of her. Try listening to the opposite kind of music she would, or eating different foods, or whatever you need to do. Try dating other people again, and just some good old deep thinking. Try hanging out with your friends, and doing things that cheer you up. To be friends can be a little awkward, but you could try. But, I would give it a few months. When you do try to be friends again just have a normal conversation, a bit of small talk, not a lot of touching, and just be plain nice. Don't worry there are other fish in the sea.

  3. well i actually went through this with my old boyfriend... it wasn't that serious but we had been best friends for a while and decided to start dating. things will get better! just try not to talk to her or see her for a while. it took us about 5 months before we could even look at each other and not feel uncomfortable. but just give it time. eventually things will go back to normal.  
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