
I need careers guidance! HELP!!

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I am a single mum and need to go back to work part time but have no idea what to do? I need flexible hours and a fairly decent wage but cannot think what to do. I'm 20 and can't go back to my job so need to start from scratch!




  1. This depends largely on your education, skills and experience, especially if you want a decent wage. If you share some of your educational & work background, you'll get better suggestions! Good luck.

  2. Hello,

    You have not written anything about your education and experience. However, if you interested to do on-line jobs, for details I suggest to visit at

  3. be a bus driver oh wait you're 20 well when do you turn 21?

  4. Try contacting learn direct, they should be able to give you some advice. Their website is:

    Unfortunatly part time work does not often pay great, like some of the other posters have said, it all depends on your current skill set.

    Failing that, try the job centre plus, they will show you the jobs available in your area

    Good luck

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