
I need diabetes help!?

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i have many signs of diabetes and i am waiting too get an appointment too be checked. But i have signs of both type 1 and 2. i use the bathroom about 30 times a day. i drink alot of water, like 20 glasses a day. sometimes i get really hungry and must eat a ton of food and then i feel really sick afterwards. i recently had too start wearing glasses cause of my vision. The thing is my doctor put me on Metformin about 9 monthes ago for PCOS. Does anyone know if i start taking a diabetic medication if that can actually make me diabetic? I feel awful! If so do you think i would have type 1 or 2? i am 23 and trying too have children! any help would be wonderful! thanks!




  1. Take the test find out where your blood sugar is now.  You can probaly go to a pharmacy or urgent care and run a quick blood glucose.  Have your doc run an A1C.  If you blood glucose is high adjust your diet and get to your doctor.  Remember 1 blood glucose will not confirm or deny diabetes but will give you an idea of where you are until you see the doc.

  2. It sounds very likely you are a diabetic as PCOS and diabetes are often linked.

  3. The sign of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are identical.  The difference is that Type 1 diabetics are children and Type 2 diabetics are adult.

    At least, that's how it used to be.  Newer medical research is now saying that if you need insulin then you are Type 1, and if you can control it with medication and diet and exercise then you are Type 2.

    In Type 1 diabetics, the pancreas does not produce any insulin.  Insulin is necessary to allow sugar to pass from your blood into you cells,  With no insulin, the Type 1 diabetic cannot use sugar, and the sugar builds up in the blood.  Type 1 diabetcs require insulin shots.  In the Type 2 diabetic, the pancreas produces SOME insulin, so the Type 2 Diabetic takes medicantion to either make more insulin, or to better use the insulin that they've got.

    Diabetes is not "caused" by anything.  You have to have a "predisposition".  In children, the panreas fails.  In adults, the pancreas fails more slowly.  But the predisposition towards diabetes is inherited.  Diabetes is not contagious. It is not caused by eating too much sugar or soda pop, nor is it caused by other drugs.  IF you have the predisposition, diabetes will occur if you are pregnant, overweight, or have somekind of trauma (like major surgery).

    Diabetes canNOT be diagnosed from symptoms alone.  There are too many other diseases that have similar symptoms, and many diabetics have NO symptoms (at least until its done too much damage).

    The ONLY way to diagnose diabets is using blood tests.

    The first blood test is called A1C.  This is a simple test that most doctros can do in their office in 5-10 minutes.  It take ONE DROP of blood.

    a NORMAL A1C reading is between 5 and 6.  If your reading is normal then you probably do NOT have diabetes.

    If you reading is above 7, the doctor will want to do a Glucose Tolerance Test. This test is more complicated, takes longer (3-4 hours) and can be a bit painful.

    But the Glucose Tolerance Test is definitive.  It will tell you YES\y or NO if you have diabetes.  If this test says YES, then you need to start treatment immeidately.

    BE AWARE:  Note that some new studies have linked diabetes to birth defects.

    It is EXTREMELY important that youe properly diagnosed and treated, and that you follow your doctors order exactly in order to prevent the possibility of birth defects.

  4. so sorry you are feeling so ill.  I am diabetic 2.   I taske orally JANUVIA--prescribed.  

    I amnot familiar w/the med you mention; however I know for a fact that some meds cause high sugar, eating....etc.  One example is steroids like Prednisone,   My husband takes this med for Giant Cell Artiritis --he almost lost his visio and the prednisone is only help.  

    Diabetes is a serious disease/.  Some questions \:

    1.have youconsulted your pharmacist on the side effects of this med?

    2.Without a blood test (glucose) hard to tell.

    3. Does diabetes run in your family?

    4.before starting the metformin did they do a blood work on you so that they can compare with atest now?

    5. the most accurate blood test is the A1C.   This blood test is ale to go back 3 months to see your average glucose level,  This test, along w/med history (yours and family) AND if possible a personal log.

    6.Have you researched WEBMD OR other similar sites?  They will help you with understanding diabetes.

    7. My suggestion is: If in doubt don't delay.   This might be just medication but if it is diabetes, it CAN be controlled.     Life changes are not big if you are willing to cooperate.

    8. If you want to make a log for yourself, I strongly recommend buying a meter at the drugstore.  Ask the pharmacist which one he/she would recommend....doesn't have to be an expensive one.  All you will need are some Lancets and a strips.   The booklets with the meter will explain it all.   HOWEVER, if you don't want the expense, then when you go to the doctor and are diagnosed as a diabetic they will give you one.  I still bought one, though, and for a month took my glucose as follows:  In the a.m. as soon as I got up BEFORE eating anything. Then 2 hrs after a meal and before bedtime.   It is recommnded that you also do it before each meal which will tell you what to eat.

    The visition is not affected, to my knowledge, that fast from diabetes -- you are so young. Something else happening there.   Meds?

    Don't take OVER THE COUNTER or HERBAL meds until you know for sure what is the situation.   Also, if you prefer to use these, discuss with your doctor.

    Try to eat 'something'' every couple of hours --- a fruit./ yoghurt/ a healthy snack....your meal plates (breakfast/lunch/dinner) should be moderate and balanced to insure your insulin flows correctly.  

    There is so much I want to tell you, but hope the above will help you start.   RESEARCH the websites I recommended.  The American Diabetes Org also has a website.  Go to symptoms.

    FORGOT to tell you, WALK / EXERCISE at  least 5 days a week 30 minutes.    ======   very important.

    Diabetes is not going on a diet it is a life change. For example if you love peanut butter make sure you eat it on a cracker.....alone, it won't help insulin.

    SEE A DOCTOR!!!!!!! That specializes on this or an INTERNIST!!!


  5. With type 1 diabetes, you would most likely be on insulin at your age, not always but most likely. The symptoms for type 1 and type 2 are very similar and would be hard to tell apart without testing. As for Metformin causing Diabetes, it looks like those with PCOS are more at risk for Diabetes (see below):

    ***Does polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) put women at risk for other health problems?

    Women with PCOS have greater chances of developing several serious, life-threatening diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer. Recent studies found that:

    More than 50 percent of women with PCOS will have diabetes or pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) before the age of 40.

    Women with PCOS have a four to seven times higher risk of heart attack than women of the same age without PCOS.

    Women with PCOS are at greater risk of having high blood pressure.

    Women with PCOS have high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

    The chance of getting endometrial cancer is another concern for women with PCOS. Irregular menstrual periods and the absence of ovulation cause women to produce the hormone estrogen, but not the hormone progesterone. Progesterone causes the endometrium to shed its lining each month as a menstrual period. Without progesterone, the endometrium becomes thick, which can cause heavy bleeding or irregular bleeding. Over time, this can lead to endometrial hyperplasia, when the lining grows too much, and cancer.***

  6. I am a paramedic and you do have signs of a diabetic. If your parents don't have diabetes, you are in good health, and not overweight; it most likely is not diabetes. Taking a diabetic medication most likely will not make you a diabetic and symptoms (if caused from medication) will dissolve after stopping medication. If any thing I would say type 2.
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