
I need energy, any sugestions?

by Guest58673  |  earlier

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Im so groggy and have been for weeks, yes im sure i should check with my doctor but i have no time right now im in the process of trying to move and i have alot to do. coffee and energy drinks dont help me at all. I am diabetic and this may have something to do with the fatigue, any help?




  1. Hi,

    check for some herbal energy pills. Here is one of the best brands:

  2. 10 great ways to get more energy:

    to scroll through all 10 solutions, just click the arrow next to where it says 'Return to main gallery'

  3. Why are you taking chances with your health?  That's a ridiculous excuse...I'm moving!  It doesn't take long to visit your doctor and, as a diabetic, it's even more important for you to take care of your health.  Your priorities are a bit askew.

  4. Exercising in the A.M. should give you serious energy :)  If you need some ideas, I have some :)  First, walk for 5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up. About 4.0 on a treadmill. Then speed up to 5.0 for 10 minutes, which will lengthen your stride. Increase your pace again- go to 6.0 for 5 minutes. Do walking lunges for 1 minute. Repeat 16-minute walk-jog lunge sequence. Cool down at whatever pace feels good to you. It should take about 37 minutes in total. If you decide you want to stick to that, you can amp up your speed. If you don't have a treadmill though, try marching in place pumping your arms for 2 minutes. Do knee lifts for 2 minutes, bicycle crunches for 20 seconds, shadowbox for 2 minutes, mountain climbers for 20 seconds, skip in place for 2 minutes, do jumping jacks for 20 seconds, and complete circuit for however long you want. Cool down at your own pace. That will take 23 minutes.  Along with that, Eat healthy, that will also give you a good amount of energy.   Good luck with your move and good luck finding energy!

  5. You need the right info :

    go to

    and find your problem solutions.


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