
I need help ASAP!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 16 y/o female I'm a bit over weight

I went to my Dr for a regular check up and got a blood test and on the test result it said i had high hormone levels.

So I have three questions

1) Why do i have high hormone levels?

2)what do high hormone levels do or what can they do to my body?

3)How do I bring my hormone levels to a regular rate?

and i am not sexually active.




  1. I don't know but ask if you can regulate your hormones by being on the birth control pill.  It isn't just for birth control- it can regulate hormones as well.  

  2. What hormones? The body has many.

    Did your doctor say it was a problem, or it was normal? Didi he suggest medication or a change in diet? Your not much past puberty, so that could be a factor.

    You need to go back to your doctor with these questions. They're normal concerns, and he or she should answer you.
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