
I need help! (Rabbit)

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My female harlequin rabbit has a cataract on her left eye. Its been there for almost a year, and I don't know how, or if its possible to treat. My rabbit superintendent for the fair said surgery, but I don't know if its possible. Should I just put her down, or what???? PS shes three. And I want to do whats best for my little girl.




  1. Don't put her down. Take her to a vet and see what they can do for her! And yes she IS a young rabbit. They can live up to 13 years so 3 is still quite young. Putting her down would be a bad idea if you can get it removed!

  2. almost a year???  consult the vet and consider the animal's quality of life when deciding on the treatment options.

  3. Cataracts will not kill your rabbit. They will make her partially blind, possibly totally blind in that eye. You can do surgery to fix it but if the other eye is fine and she does not have problems getting around I would say leave it. I have a ferret with cataracts and he is doing just fine, occasionally he will run into something if I rearrange the furniture. There is no need to put her to sleep. Good luck.

  4. dont put her down get a vets opinion first off yesh surgury is possible cataracts dont have a huge effect on her life anyways.

  5. She is not a young rabbit. Just love her and leave her be.  

  6. Whoah, no euthenizing is nessicary, cataracts are for surely not lethal to rabbits, now she may not be a young bunny, but she sure is part of your family! I would take her to the vet and get it removed, yes it's quite possible, my dad has cataracts, and I've owned animals woh've had them too. The vet can remove them fairly easily!

    No need for panic!

    I hope the surgury goes well, if you decide to do it!

    BTW: You can also just leave it alone, it won't harm her. I stil lsugest removign it though.
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