
I need help. can you help?

by Guest62214  |  earlier

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i need help and answers i am sick with a cold / cough and i need to know what i can eat pls tell me i am 10 and sick for the 2nd time this year.




  1. Try to drink clear liquids like apple juice and water, as with a cold you can eat anything you want, but stay away from milk, cheese.. heck all dairy, if you have a sore throat or upset stomach you could try 7-up or sprite, but as long as you feel hungry you can eat.  

  2. gargle with warm very salty water, itll kill the bacteria in your throat quick...i hate doing it but it really helps better than throat spray. have some chicken noodle soup, oatmeal, drink lots of liquids and try to stay in bed.

  3. Chicken soup is always good & 7-up for a upset tummy. My all time favorite for the sore throat and cough is this. Melt about 2 tablespoons of butter or margarine add to it about 2 tablespoons of orange juice and a tablespoon of honey or syrup. Just sip it by the spoonful and see if it doesn't help. ((hugs)) I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Poor thing! Chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. Hot tea with lemon and honey, or hot lemonade. Drink lots of fluids and get well soon!!

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